Are you looking for Kharidar model questions? Then you are in correct place. Here we have attached several Kharidar model questions for lok sewa Aayog. Lok sewa Aayog also provides the Kharidar model questions.
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Kharidar is the junior level post in Nepal government jobs. It is the post eligible after the then SLC exam. So, most of the Kharidar candidates may find this article more useful.
Similarly the Kharidar candidates find the exam center for their exam in this post.

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Some Kharidar Model Questions
Q. If DOLL is 6199, COCK is 5153, CROW is 5812 and Food is 4116. Then RICE is______?
- 8753
- 8756
- 8051
- 8057
Q. In a certain code language, MEDIUM is written as NDEHVL. How is MIDDLE written in that same code?
Q. What is 60% of 60% of 600?
- 360
- 216
- 144
- 300
Q. In a queue, Ram is twentieth position from the front and Shyam is thirty first position from the end, while Krishna is exactly in between Ram and Shyam. If Ram is ahead of Shyam and there are 66 persons in the queue, how many persons are there between Ram and Krishna?
- 5
- 14
- 8
- 7
Some Kharidar Model Questions
Q .The house of ‘M’ and ‘N’ face each other on a road going north-south. ‘M’s being on the western side. ‘M’ comes out of his house, turns left, travels 6 KM and again, turns right, travels 8 KM ahead and reaches the front of ‘Q’s house. ‘N’ does exactly the same and reaches the front of P’s house. In this context which one of the following statements in NOT correct?
- The house of P and Q are exactly 20 KM apart.
- P’s house lies in south-east direction from Q’s house.
- The house of M and P are more than 10 KM apart.
- Q’s house lies in north-east direction from N’s house.
Q. Which is odd one on the following alternatives?
Q. The average of marks of 7 papers is 60. The average of marks of the first 4 paper is 63 and the average of marks of last 4 papers is 55. What are the marks of the fourth paper?
- 52
- 59
- 33
- Data Inadequate
Q. Three person stat walking together and their steps measure 30 cm, 35 cm, and 36 cm respectively. What is the minimum distance each should walk so that each can cover the same distance on complete steps?
a) 6 m 30 cm
b) 13 m 50 cm
c) 18 m 90 cm
d) 3 m 15 cm
Some Kharidar Model Question
Q. There are three pots P, Q and R. The capacity of P, Q, and R is 12 liters, 20 liters and 32 liters respectively. The pot R contains 32 liters of milk; the milk has to be divided in them using these three posts only. Consider the following statements.
- It is possible to have 12 liters of milk each in pot P and Pot Q.
- It is possible to have 16 liters of milk each in pot P and Pot Q.
Which of the above statements above is/are correct?
- 1 only
- 2 only
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
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