Grade 8 DLE HPE Question

Grade 8 DLE HPE Question

Here we have two sets of grade 8 DLE HPE question. We hope this grade 8 DLE HEP question will help you a lot to make final exam preparation.

Grade 8 DLE HPE Question

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Class: 8                                                                                                                                                F.M.: 50

Time: 1Hr 15 Min                         Subject: Health and Physical Education                                          P.M.: 20

Attempt all the questions.

  1. Fill in the blanks. 11×0.5=5.5
  2. Cranial nerve consists of………………..nerves.
  3. ………………………is the main center for reflex action.
  4. Retardation of physical growth is the mayor symptom of………………..
  5. Energy giving foods (nutrients) are…………….and……………………..
  6. Lack of ascorbic acid causes………………disease.
  7. Due to deficiency of vitamin ‘D’ results in………………..legs and……………..shaped in children.
  8. Sewage is the………………..produced from bathroom and kitchen.
  9. Deforestation is one the causes of………………….pollutions.
  10. Syphilis is caused by………………………

Attempt any nine (9) questions only. 9×3=27

  1. Draw a labelled diagram of neuron. (2+1)
  2. Mention 4 causes and two symptoms of Kwashiorkor. (6×0.5=3)
  3. Write down 2 causes, 1 symptom and 2 preventive measures of night blindness. (1+1+1)
  4. Make a table showing how you can prepare a balanced diet from locally available materials.(3)
  5. Mention 3 causes of water pollution and explain briefly one method of water purification.(1.5+1.5)
  6. What is solid waste? How can you minimize solid waste by 3-R system: Reusing? (1.5+1.5)
  7. Why is noise harmful to us? Write down 3 ways to prevent noise pollution. (1.5+1.5)
  8. What do you mean by communicable disease? Mention its 4 preventive measures. (1+2)
  9. Write down the cause of AIDS, its 2 mode of transmission and 2 symptoms. (1+1+1)
  10. Mention 2 symptoms, 2 mode of transmission and 2 preventive measures of Gonorrhea. (1+1+1)
  11. How is football played? (3)



Class: 8                                                                                                                                                F.M.: 50

Time: 1Hr 15min                             Subject: Health and Physical Education                                       P.M.: 20

Fill in the blanks:    (5×0.5=2.5)

  1. The full form of AIDS_______________
  2. Mid-brain is situated between ___________ and ______________
  3. Children tend to cry all the time is the symptom of _______
  4. Shiphilis is caused by __________

Attempt any ten questions: (10×3=30)

  1. Draw a labelled diagram of neuron.   (2+1)
  2. Write the names of the organs of CNS and explain their functions (1 function each). (.5×6=3)
  3. Mention 6 causes of malnutrition. (6x.5=3)
  4. Write down 2 causes, 2 symptoms and 2 preventive measures of anaemia. (6x.5=3)
  5. What do you mean by energy giving food. Write down 10 examples (names) of energy giving food.
  6. How do you select balanced diet from locally available food?                         (3)
  7. Write down the method of water purification. Describe 2 methods of water purification in brief. (1+2)
  8. How can you minimize the solid waste using 3-R system.             (1×3)
  9. Mention the 2 sources of noise, 2 effects and 2 preventive measures of noise pollution. (1+1+1)
  10. What do you mean by disease? Mention the preventive measures of communicable disease. (1+2)
  11. Mention 3 nodes of transmission, 3 symptoms and 3 preventive measures of HIV/AIDS. (1+1+1)
  12. Draw a labelled diagram of football ground.  (2+1)

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