Here is DLE exam routine. The DLE exam routine for Kaski district is given below. So according to the Kaski DLE Exam Routine exam starts from Falgun 27.
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Kaski DLE Exam Routine; DLE Exam Routine
District education office has published the exam time table for grade eight district level exams.
This district level exam is commonly known as DLE exam. According to the recently published exam time table the Kaski DLE Exam begins from Falgun 27.
DLE Exam Timetable 2075

See the DLE timetable given above. Just remain with us for online DLE materials.
How to Prepare DLE exam?
Here we have several tips for the exam preparation. We have several articles regarding the exam preparation. Similarly we have many articles about the memory power.
Urgent Notice about BLE Exam

So if you are the new visitor for our website please check the entire related article for grade eight exam preparations.
Grade 8 DLE Question Bank
This is the age of information and communication. So it is our attempt to provide online exam preparation materials for all level students.
Therefore in this connection we have prepared the district level exam question bank. We hope this question bank will be much useful for DLE exam candidates.
<< DLE exam questions bank>> Read More…………………………….
How to Increase Memory Power???
If you make technical study then you can learn many things in short period of time. Like, you can learn the matter within one hour which in normal study takes not less than four hours.
So the technical study helps you to increase your memory power. Hence here we provide some tips and techniques for the technical study and how to increase your memory power.
<<How to increase memory power>> Read More ……………………..
Some tips for Long Memory
- Link the subject matter you study to your daily life activity as far as possible.
- Make picture of your study so that it last longer in our memory.
Like we never forget the face of person once we meet but we easily forget his name. it is because his face remains as picture in your brain but name is in words. Therefore we remember the person but it is hard for us to tell the name.
These are some basic tips only. So if you are looking for further more tips to increase memory power please refer our previous article related to memory power.
Finally together with this DLE exam Routine we would like to express our best wishes to all the district level exam candidates for the year 2018.