CNN Super Hero Puspa Basnet

CNN Super Hero Puspa Basnet

CNN Super Hero Puspa Basnet is the founder of early childhood development center [ECDC] butterfly home. CNN Super Hero Puspa Basnet started the ECDC at the age of 21. Puspa Basnet was highly impressed by the condition of the imprisoned children.

CNN Super Hero Puspa Basnet

Puspa Basnet won the CNN super hero title of 2016. Cable News Network awarded Puspa Basnet as CNN hero of 2012. At the early days the situation of early childhood development center was challenging according to the interview of Puspa Basnet. We have prepared this article on the basis of various episodes of Puspa Basnet television interview.

Butterfly Home

Puspa Basnet named the early childhood development center as butterfly home. Now the butterfly home has its own building. The amount she received as the CNN hero helped her to manage all this in her mission.

Who Can Donate For ECDC?

Donation for ECDC butterfly home is open for all. So every generous person all around the world can donate for this organization. According to Puspa donation can be in different forms. It does not mean that you have to donate money only. So if you have some sort of skill that you can transfer to the children in the form of donation. Similarly if you have other food items which you want to donate to the organization that is also okay.

What You Get From Social Work?

 According to Puspa she had never dreamed to be CNN hero and super hero while starting the ECDC. So you must work honestly without any expectation. So if we work with some expectation that is not social work that is business. Hence if you want to go for social work there should not be any vested interest.

How is the Situation of Social Work in Nepal?

It is not so easy to be a social worker. There are always people for back biting. Many people want to pull your leg in your early steps. According to Puspa her parents were also not happy for her work in the early days. But if you fully devoted in your work which you enjoy then not doubt that you will be success in your life.

So finally we want to appeal all the helping hearts to join hand in hand and support for early childhood development center the butterfly home.

If you are really agreed with this article please do not forget to share it among your friends and relatives. Similarly we have another article regarding butterfly home so you can also enjoy that article too.

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