TSC Nepal Temporary Teachers Questions

TSC Nepal Temporary Teachers Questions

Here we discuss about TSC Nepal Temporary Teachers Questions. According to the news TSC Nepal Temporary Teachers Questions will be easy.

This article is prepared on the reference of the Kantipur Daily news published on November 4 Saturday. The news is on the title TSC Nepal Temporary Teachers Questions will be easy.

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How will be TSC Nepal Temporary Teachers Questions?

According to the news the temporary teachers are getting easy questions. Similarly the curriculum for this temporary teacher group is different than open competition group. Basically the news claims that such grid and curriculum is designed for the conformation of the existing temporary teachers group.

SEE 75 Districts Nepalese Voters List With Photo 

Now here present the most interesting items people are looking for. We provide the detail information about these in this page.

EDV 2019 Result Updates 

Secondary Teaching License Exam Notice 

40 Marks Objective Questions

The temporary teacher on their service commission exam will get forty percent from objective questions whereas the fresh candidates will get only twenty percent in this category. This huge gap in the objective questions certainly helps the temporary teachers to secure their jobs. On the top of this the questions for temporary teachers will be from their teaching subjects only.

TSC Wanted Notice

Broad Knowledge of Technology and Pedagogy

The fresh candidates need the wide knowledge of teaching methods and technology. This is not necessary for the internal competition of temporary teachers. It means from every aspect the exam for the internal competition is easier in comparison to the open competition exam.

20 Marks Objective Questions in Open Competition

In the same kind of teacher service commission exam the fresh candidates in open competition will get only twenty percent objective questions. This twenty percent objective question will be from the wide range of curriculum.

Long Questions Grid

The temporary teacher in the internal competition will get long question from their teaching subjects only. Hence the questions from teaching method, curriculum and technology will be in the objective questions only. But the fresher will have to face long questions from technology and teaching pedagogy.

Hence this news claims that from each and every aspects the exam for the temporary will be far easy than the exam for the open competition.

We hereby want to receive your comment after reading this article. Hence we kindly request you to drop you comment in the comment box below.

Similarly the details about the curriculum and grid regarding the internal competition of temporary is already there in our website.

Question Bank For Teacher Service Commission Exam 

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