Work Permit Job for Nepali in Europe !!!

Work Permit Job for Nepali in Europe

Nepal government is now searching for labor market in Europe for migrant Nepali workers. Here is the detail information about Work Permit Job for Nepali in Europe.

Requirements for Europe Job

You must meet the minimum required condition to apply Europe working visa job.

Work Permit Job for Nepali in Europe

Currently the major destination for migrant Nepali workers is Middle East, Malaysia, South Korea and other Gulf countries. The salary and benefits in these countries is not so attractive. Hence Nepal government is now going find the labor market in Europe for migrant labors from Nepal.

Europe Jobs for Nepali

Looking at the history of British Gurkhas the name and fame of Gurkhas is very high. So Europe can be best labor market for Nepali workers. Basically the security guard jobs and skilled manpower can earn good income.

It will be very easy for migrant workers after Nepal government make bilateral agreement with European Union.

Europe Work Permit Job for Migrant Nepali Workers

When Nepal government will sign labor agreement with European Countries via European Union it will be easy for Nepali skilled and semi-skilled manpower to get work permit jobs in Europe.

Currently the fraud people are sending Nepali migrant workers in Europe in visit visa. This has made the life to migrant workers very much terrible.

How to Apply Europe Jobs

Cyprus, Romania and some other European countries are calling vacancy for Nepali migrant workers. But it is in very small scale. As soon as Nepal government makes bilateral agreement with other European countries the foreign employment for Nepali citizens will be safe and easy. 

Highest Salary Paid Jobs for Nepali in Europe

The most important part is the selection of right working visa. So according to your knowledge, experience and qualification you have selected the working visa type. Once you choose the visa it is not easy to change it while you are working under that visa.

  • Hospitality
  • Service
  • Security
  • Care givers

These are some common areas for good salary. But you must choose the job according to your work experience and skills.

Salary and Other Benefits

The average hourly labor cost in Europe is 29 euro. Ranging from 7 euro in Bulgaria to 46 euro per hour in Denmark the salary differs from country to country.

Beside this the payment also depends upon the area of work. If you are working in dirty, difficult and dangerous area the payment is naturally high. Similarly, the works in holidays are also paid high.

It is the early information of Nepal government. We have made this article based on Nepal government news published on June 5, 2023.

We will be giving you more information about working visa jobs in Europe in our upcoming articles.

Hence remain in touch with for all kinds of notices and information about abroad jobs.

On the top of this we will be working in USA work permit visa jobs.

You can find several articles on US work permit jobs information in our previous article.

We are not the manpower company or agent to send migrant works in abroad. It is simply information page for aboard jobs for migrant Nepali workers.

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