China Working Visa for Nepali !!!

China Working Visa for Nepali

It is hard to believe that China takes foreigners in their labor market. But it is true that China Working Visa for Nepali is available.

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If you are willing to live and work America you can apply for working visa. Due to covid 19 the application you can submit via online mode.

China Working Visa for Nepali

All of us know that China is in geometric progression of its industrial development. There was one child policy in China for several years. Due to this rule now there is scarcity of manpower in labor market. There are so many multinational companies in China.

They are now running out of labor shortage. Hence china based companies can now hire the migrant labors from abroad.

Top 10 Jobs for Foreigners in China

China is the leading developed country in the world. Similarly, it is the biggest economy in the world. Hence there is great scope of job for the expats. The salary and other benefits are attractive in China. Therefore, people are trying to migrate China for the career.

 Below are the top 10 careers for the foreigners and expats in China.


If you are moving in the capital city of China and encounter with a foreigner, then he or she might be a teacher in China. It is because there is handsome salary and attractive salary for the teachers in China. Basically the English medium schools of the major cities are paying good salary for the teachers.

China gives great value for the education. Therefore, there is good culture of education in China. Every year thousands of expats migrate China for teaching job.

Trade and Commerce

Had there been no Chinese electronics product in the world the life style of the developing nations people will not as it is now. It produces well finished goods at low cost. Due to this reason there is great demand of Chinese product all over the world. Even in USA most of the good and items in the market are made in China.

The business people are attracted towards the trade of Chinese product as it gives good margin. The giant business person from different part of the world sell Chinese product in their countries.

Due to all this there is demand of migrant workers in China.  

Job in IT Sector

Gradually and slowly the whole world is moving towards the use of information Technology (IT). While talking about China most of the people finish shopping, paying and entertainment via their smart phone.

The technology is being rapidly changing day by day. So for this there is demand of IT persons in China. Hence skilled Nepali citizens can apply for such jobs in China.

Hotel and Tourism

There are many 5 star hotels in China. So there is high demand of expats in this sector. Therefore, Nepali skilled and experience persons can apply for the job in hospitality sector.

Similarly, you can join restaurants and bars jobs.

More about other jobs like engineering, writing and media, arts and music we will talk in our next article.

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