Differently Able People In Nepal

differently able people

There are several types of differently able people in Nepal. They are suffering from many kinds of problems. Nepali society is if full of traditional believes and superstitions. People are not well educated in Nepali society. Due to lack of  knowledge people are more superstitious. Few decades back in people believe that differently able people were supposed to be disable people. Disability of the people is the result of sin of their family. This was the thought of the people. While developed countries were suffering from this problem in the past.

This was the result of illiteracy and superstitions. Now the time has changed. The society looks the disable people in positive way. Many things have to be done in this area. Still in some remote areas of Nepal people do not want to expose their disable kid. They do not want to tell about their kids in the society. Therefore social awareness is needed. The government should provide social security for disable people. Instead of giving fish the government should provide fishing rod. Besides giving financial help to these people, the country must provide them training and special education. As a result the life of will be easier.

The physical infrastructures of the government should be disability friendly. There should be different waking trails for blind people. The socioeconomic condition of these people must be improved. In spite of all these condition they are doing their best. Physical disability is not disability now a days. The mental disability is chronic.

First of all parents of disable kids need enough counseling. They should be encouraged to bring their kids in the normal life. Many differently able kids are still compelled to live life in dark room. They cannot feel the normal life of the society. We should learn many things from the life of Helen Keller, Jhamak kumari Ghimere and so on. They are  the role model of differently able people.

Condition of Differently Able People In Nepal

There is always lack of honest people in our society. There are many  organization in Nepal. They are also only for dollar farming. They are selling the photographs of differently able people in Europe and America. The dollar thus obtained is misused. Some organization in Nepal is religion based. Christian’s churches are also working for differently able people. But their intention is not clear.  Any way we must support differently able people. But not in the name of petty fellow. It is  clear that  we must give chance to disable people. We must give opportunities for different able people.  Many disable people are not getting  their basic needs.

They are compelled to live wild life. We must work together for disable people. All the best to all differently able people in the world. We would like to draw the attention of government in this issue. Finally the strong laws and rules must be implemented in the country. Especially the parents must be counseled.

Day care centers are very few in numbers. There should be enough centers for these people. At least few hours parents can be freed from these children. To some extent it gives some relief to the parents. NGOs are working in this area. But it is not sufficient. Combine effort of public and private sector is necessary in this area. Fund can be raised by different ways. People are ready to donate for such activities. While there is lack of organization for coordination.

In the name of social service people are fulfilling their vested interest. It must be checked by concern people and authority. Such kinds of activities are found in the society time and often. Such activities must be discouraged. In conclusion we can say that combined work of public and private sector is needed.


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