Most likely this year too it is not possible to conduct SEE exam with student physical presence. So like class 8 BLE exam it will be SEE 2077 Evaluation by CAS System.
SEE 2077 Evaluation
Table of Contents
SEE 2077 evaluation is 25 percent from subject teachers under different topics and 75 percent from different term exams.

SEE 2077 Evaluation by CAS System
Continuous Assessment System is called CAS. So in this model the respective subject teacher evaluates the students under various categories. Here is the model of CAS system. Looking at the present situation of the corona virus government will call for the evaluation of the students by this model.
Internal Evaluation of SEE Exam 2077
Government is trying its level best for the physical presence exam. But the situation is not favorable for the physical presence of the students in the exam center. So it seems that this year also the SEE exam result will be internally evaluated.
Different Exam Models
There are several models for the virtual exams. But looking at the available resources of the student’s government will finalize the virtual exam model. In the context of Nepal, it is not possible to conduct online exam as there is no reliable internet and uninterrupted supply of electricity.
Mechanism for Internal Evaluation
Well, last year there were several errors in SEE result. It is now time to review such errors. The situation is now same as last year hence national examination board must be aware of this. So let us work on it and find scientific methods of evaluation.
SEE Result 2077
The pandemic of covid 19 is not over yet. Hence similar to previous year this year too there will be internal evaluation of the students. A special task force is collecting the view of experts, stake holder and educationist about it. This task force is supposed to submit the report within two weeks. Hence as soon as the national examination board Nepal receive this report it will publish final decision about the pending SEE exam.
Grade 11 Entrance Exam Questions
The next steps for the SEE graduate students is to find the better schools and colleges for class 11 study. So for this you need to face tough entrance exam. Here we have the collection of entrance exam questions. So we hope students will find it useful for their entrance exam.