How to Drive Car Safely in Dubai ???

dubai driving rules

Dubai Driving Rules; Information For Beginners

Rapid development of Dubai transport vehicles and road network can be managed by fine traffic rules and road system. Many Nepalese are working in Dubai. We are going to provide some information about Dubai driving rules for them in this article. Many Nepali taxi drivers working in Dubai are found not much familiar about Dubai driving rules. So this Dubai driving rules presented over here is solely to these of people.

Time and often it is heard that due to lack of Dubai driving rules many Nepalese taxi drivers are fined a huge amount for their mischief. This article will help these Nepali brothers and sisters to know more about Dubai traffic rules.

Dubai traffic police is using modern and smart technology to minimize the road accidents.

Some Important Dubai Driving Rules

  1. Keep enough distance between the vehicles while driving.
  2. Follow the discipline of the lane
  3. Do not try to go to the hard shoulder unless necessary.
  4. Most often you may come across the road so you must be aware of these animals while driving the vehicles.
  5. Remain calm and following the information boards kept in the roads.

There are different kinds of car on the Dubai’s road. At the same time you can also see that people are driving the car as like in the computer game. The government has its own rule that you cannot cross the speed of 100 still some are there to drive faster than this.

Driving Story of Nepalese in Dubai

Few years back I have read an article that a young Nepali taxi driver broke the traffic rule in Dubai. Then he was charged fine that much amount which he never can pay in his life time. Therefore driving job is really risky in Dubai.

Though it seems that the earning of taxi driver in Dubai is charming but it is equally risky too.

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