SEE exam 2078 result has published. The national examination board has fixed 25 Shravan for the see result 2078 release date.
NTC SEE Result 2077
Table of Contents
This year SEE result is for the academic year 2077. Hence it is the secondary education exam 2077 i.e. SEE 2077 result. Nepal Telecom provides the result in its official site. So, students can obtain the SEE result with Grade Sheet at

SEE result 2078 release date
2078 SEE result date is on or before 9 August 2021. According to the office of the controller of examination the final revision of the marks entry is going on. As soon as board meeting of SEE examination release the result we will notify our visitors from this page.
SEE Result 2078 Date
SEE is result is going to publish soon. Here we have the list of sites providing the SEE result. However, the final list is yet to come. SEE is result is going to be public on or before Shravan 9 2078. 2078 SEE Result
Nepal Telecom provides the SEE result with Mark Sheet in its official site. So the students can easily get the SEE with Grade Sheet from here.
SEE Result 2077
This year SEE result 2077 is again based on internal evaluation. Due to covid 19 national examination board is unable to conduct the exam physically. Hence similar to the SEE 2076 subject teachers evaluated their students. But there are many questions for this sort of evaluation.
Last year there were nearly 10 thousand students with GPA 4 which is very hard to believe.
SEE Result 2078 Nepal
National examination board Nepal and the office of the controller of examination sano thimi Bhaktapur publish the SEE result 2078. It is going to publish the result by next week. Most probably the result of SEE 2078 will come next Monday.
SEE Result 2076
In the history of school leaving certificate SLC exam it is the first time in SEE 2076 that students were evaluated by their subject teachers. But the result was haphazard. It is clear that more than 9000 students were is over all GPA 4 which is hard to believe. Looking back to the pervious years result it was unbelievable.
SEE Result 2077 Published Date
Here we have the result dates of some SEE results.
- SEE 2075 Result by last week of Jestha 2076
- 2076 SEE Result by the end of Bhakra 2077
- SEE result 2077 by the last week of Shravan 2078
- 2078 SEE result by the end of Shravan 2079