We provide SEE 2078 Revised Time Table in this page. Hence all the students and parents can get the new SEE exam routine from here.
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Previously Published SEE Routine 2077

SEE 2078 Revised Time Table
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SEE Exam Routine 2077
The national examination board Nepal is responsible to publish the revised exam schedule for the secondary education exam 2077. We will attach the time table at the end of this article. Last year the SEE exam was withheld in the mean time of the exam.
Just in the evening of the previous day of the exam government has announced that the exam has withheld.
What had Happened Last Year
The year actually it is the SEE exam 2077 going to held in 2078. Hence we have mentioned it as SEE 2078. So this year the examination board has withheld the exam two weeks before the exam date. Most probably the examination board will not repeat the same mistake again.
SEE Routine 2077 2078
Well, secondary education exam 2076 was evaluated by the respective subject teachers. It is only the name shake in most of the school’s students were not evaluated by their subject teachers. National examination board has made a kind of evaluation committee. But this committee is not found perfect in the real ground practice.
It is obvious from the result that more than one thousand students got over all GPA 4. Which used to remain in two digits in the past. So this shows that the schools did not send the real evaluation of the students. Hence this year most probably national examination board Nepal will not repeat this mistake.
Corona Virus Pandemic is Decisive Factor
National Examination board Nepal has not yet published the modality of the SEE examination. So it will be too early to talk about the future of the Secondary education examination exam 2077 right now. But if the situation of the corona virus remains the same it does not seem that there will be exam in the physical presence of the students.
SEE Exam New Time Table
Well, as soon as the national examination board Nepal publish the exam time table publish we will upload it in this page. Hence remain in touch with us to get the timely information about SEE examination.