Nepal Parliament and State Assembly Result 2074

Nepal Parliament State Assembly Result 2074

Here is online Nepal Parliament State Assembly Result 2074. We provide live Nepal Parliament State Assembly Result 2074.

Nepal Parliament State Assembly Result 2074

It is our attempt to give Nepal Parliament State Assembly Result 2074 over here. So we provide the hourly updates of vote counting of Parliament and state assembly result 2074 in this page. Nepal election commission is responsible to give the authentic result of election.

First Phase Election Result 2074 Live Vote Counting 

Nepal election commission has already completed all the necessary preparation for vote counting of first phase election. According to the spoke person of Nepal election commission the first phase election vote counting will start as soon as the second phase polling is over. Hence the first phase election vote counting will start by 5 pm on 7 December 2017.

Second Phase Election Result 2074

Similarly the second phase election vote counting will start after the collection of the all ballot box in the district headquarters. So in the remote hilly districts the ballot boxes will be lifted by helicopter. Nepal army choppers will be in use for the election purpose.

How to Caste Vote in this Parliament and State Election?

So this time there are 3 different colors ballot papers for this election. There is green color ballot paper for the parliament member election of first past the post system. So in this ballot paper the voter must choose one election symbol and put only one stamp. Hence if you stamp double then your vote will be invalid.

Tips to Caste Vote

Now there is black color ballot paper for the state assembly member. So in this ballot paper also you have to put only one stamp on your desire election symbol. Now fold it properly and put it in the separate box. While folding fold properly so the ink will not scatter in the ballot paper.

Now finally you get the red color ballot paper. This red ballot paper has two sections. These two sections are for the vote of proportionally elected member. So this ballot paper is basically to caste the votes for the political party. Hence you can choose the election symbol of your desire part and stamp on it. In this red ballot paper you have to stamp twice once for parliament members and one for state assembly members.

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