www.psc.gov.np Lok Sewa Aayog Model Questions

lok sewa aayog model questions

www.psc.gov.np Lok Sewa Aayog Model Questions

IQ questions, Lok Sewa Aayog Model Questions. These questions are equally important for all level candidates of public service commission.

Lok Sewa Aayog Model Questions

  1. What is the headquarter of Mugu district?
  • Gamgadi
  1. When was first SAARC summit held?
  • December 7-8 1985
  1. Which is the best color of goddess Saraswoti?
  • White
  1. What is the origin of Mahakali district?
  • Api Himal
  1. When did Admond Hilarry die ?
  • January 11 2008
  1. Which is the second most speak language in Nepal?
  • Maithali
  1. Kaura dance is popular in which community of Nepal?
  • Magar
  1. Who is the first Malla king of Nepal?
  • Ari Dev Malla
  1. When was DNA test started in Nepal?
  • 2061 BS
  1. Which is the first SAARC to be the member of UNO?
  • India
  1. What is called the mother who gave ovary in rent?
  • Surrogate Mother
  1. What is the tenure of general secretary of UNO?
  • Five years

Lok Sewa Aayog Model Questions

  1. Who verifies the bill of Nepal government?
  • President
  1. Which is the first hydro power project of Nepal?
  • Pherping hydro power

If you are looking for lok sewa aayog model questions, you are in correct place. Here we include the collection of important PSC Nepal questions. You can also get job information of lok sewa aayog in this site.

The official site of PSC Nepal: www.psc.gov.np

The collection of questions included here are equally important for all level of lok sewa aayog exams. Together with public service commission you can find important questions of teacher service commission.

The official site of TSC Nepal: www.tsc.gov.np

Recently the public service commission has introduced online application system. In this system you have to fill the given form online and print the admission card available there. So the time and money of the lok sewa aayog candidates has been saved.

PSC Nepal Result

The above is the link to check lok sewa result.

Fill your form online and submit it. If your internet facility it is easy to go. Just follow the instruction and go on filling the form. At the same time you can find the curriculum given by PSC Nepal in this site.

PSC Nepal Curriculum

For all level and catagories of lok sewa aayog exam questions are strictly based on curriculum. So that it is very important for you to have sound knowledge of curriculum.

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