Grade 11 Best Faculties In Nepal

grade 11 best faculties

Here we discuss about grade 11 best faculties in Nepal.

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There is no problem of faculty optimization up to SLC. Parents and students are in big confusion after SLC. They are in dilemma while choosing the faculty. 

What to study in class 11???

Many parents are unknown about the subject to be studied in grade 11. Many people think that science is the only subject to be studied for brilliant students.

In so many cases the score of SLC result determine the faculty for the students. It should be done according to the desire of students. Here is the detail information about grade 11 best faculties.

Best Plus two Colleges in Nepal

Sometime student is not interested to study science but he or she is compelled by the parents. No doubt after studying science in plus two, doors are open for most faculties in bachelor level.

But in one is not interested for science it is better not to compel. There are so many other faculties which have good scope.

A motivated people can do better in the area of his or her interest. It is no matter which faculty you choose. But it is the matter how you preform there.

If you able to get just pass mark in science it has no value. You can do far better in other areas with similar time and effort. Do not choose the stream of study just to show others. Choose that faculty where you are interested.

Grade 11 Best Faculties

Due to globalization world is like a village. People from one country can easily go to other country for job and study. So it will be wise to go to that faculty which has great demand internationally.

Is Science the Best?

The job market of Nepal is quite small. There is rear chance for research and experiments in Nepal. So for the students of SLC batch 2072, I would like to suggest them to do enough study before choosing the faculty of study.

Few decades back, students go to humanities faculty after they do not get chance if science and management.  Now the time has changed. If see the statistics of USA the most demanded subject is economics.

The technical manpower is to be managed. Management is much crucial in every sector of our life. Doctors and engineers are also given knowledge of management skill but it is not enough.

In brief the faculty itself does not matter. But your choice of faculty matters much. The selection must be yours. If you study for others really it does not give satisfactory result.

So for all students of SLC batch 2072, I would like to suggest making your own choice.

If you students do not have idea about choosing the faculty please take help for your teachers and seniors. It is better to consume time before choosing the faculty rather than to regret after choosing the faculty in rush.

At last I would like to express best of luck to all the students of SLC batch 2072 for their upcoming result.  Best of luck you all. Do your best in grade eleven.

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