Nepal Election Commission Code of Conduct is public now. It gives the clear cut idea about what to do and what not to do in the election.

Nepal Election Commission Code of Conduct
Table of Contents
Election commission has published 35 points code of conduct. This is for the candidates as well as general public. It is the duty of all Nepali people to follow these norms of election.
Voters Name List
This is the final list of voters for the local level election 2079. Election commission Nepal has recently published this list. Similarly you can check the Voters ID with photo from this page.
Final List of Voters
This is the final list of voters for the upcoming local level election. This list consists of all the Nepali citizens of 18 years old in the last of Baishak 2079. Interested can check their name list via the official page of Nepal election commission.
Election Program
NEC has published the election program. This gives the clear idea about the local level election 2079. This frame work of election gives the detail about the election.
You can learn more about this election from the election commission official website. The official website of election commission is
Register to Vote
One of the main functions of the election commission is to prepare the updated list of voters. Hence it conducts the voter’s registration throughout the year. However this registration remains paused after the announcement of the election.
The conscious Nepali citizens must register themselves in the voters list.
Final List of Polling Centers in Nepal
This time election commission is going to add few new polling centers in Nepal. As the voters number is increasing year by year to manage the density of the voters there will be few new polling centers.
Insurance of Human Resource
The election commission has assured the insurance of 20 lakh for all the people involved in this local level election. This will certainly provide security for the manpower enrolled for the election.
Myadi Police for the Election
Nepal police has announced the vacancy for one lakh temporary police for the election purpose. The job for this Myadi police will be of 40 days.
Accordingly they will get the salary for forty days. The application for the Myadi Police begins from March 20 2022.
You can get the more information about it from the official webpage of Nepal police.