Nepal Daily Weather Forecast

Nepal Daily Weather Forecast

Well here we provide the Nepal Daily Weather Forecast. This Nepal Daily Weather Forecast is useful for trekkers and mountain expedition teams.

Nepal Daily Weather Forecast

The department of hydrology and meteorology is responsible for the weather forecast in Nepal. So for this there is weather forecast division in the department of hydrology and meteorology . Since the satellite connection of the weather division the forecast of weather made by the department of hydrology and meteorology is more reliable. However the weather can change in each and every time hence sometime the forecast may not to hundred percent sure.

Weather Recording Centers in Nepal

There are five centers for the measurement rain fall and temperatures in Nepal. Basically these five centers for the weather record are in five development regions of Nepal. These five centers record the weather condition throughout the year.

Mainly to lunch the mega project in certain areas first the concerned team study the weather report of that area. So only after the study of weather condition of past one year the construction works proceed.

Nepal Daily Weather Forecast

Radio Nepal and Nepal television also broadcast the Nepal Daily Weather Forecast at the end of News in the morning and evening. Therefore if you are going to the trek in the mountain be very much careful about the weather.

Few years back Nepal had faced the very bad incident in the mountainous area due to heavy snow fall. Many Nepalese and foreign lost their life in that incident. So if you want to go trekking in the high mountainous area keep in mind about the weather.


Nepal Best Visiting Points 


So if you to see the online Nepal Daily Weather Forecast then see the website of Nepal hydrology and metrology website. The official website for weather forecast in Nepal is

This website gives you lots of information about Nepal Daily Weather Forecast. So, further more information about Nepal and Visiting point of Nepal remain in touch with us.

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