How to Find Your Lost Android Mobile Phone

lost android mobile phone

You are walking in the street with your girlfriend. At once your girlfriend asked for your mobile. When you insert your hand in the pocket there was no mobile. You are in stress at this moment. You have no idea how to find your lost android mobile phone. Your lost android mobile phone creates great tension to you. You will be in confusion either to go to restaurant with your girlfriend or run to search you lost android mobile.

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How to Find Your Lost Android Mobile Phone?

You have already set up plan with your girlfriend so such unfortunate incident may occur to any one of you. Therefore it is wise to know about the search of lost or stolen android mobile phone.

There may be numerous important data in your android mobile phone. There may be many important photos which you are planning to transfer in your computer. Due lack of time, you were no able to do so. And at the same time you lost your android mobile phone,

How to track Lost Android Mobile Phone?

You can track your lost mobile even if you not got tracking apps installed before it lost.

Google’s Android Device Manager

Google android device manager requires the following items to track your lost mobile.

  • Your device is connected with your Google account.
  • Your device has access to the internet.
  • Allowed Android Device Manager (ADM) to locate your device (turned onby default). This can changed in the Google Settings app.
  • Allowed ADM to lock your device and erase its data (turned off by default).

lost android mobile phone

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So to track your lost mobile you must be connected with Google account through your device. At the same time your device must be connected to internet with Google chrome browser. Now log on your Google account through Google chrome browser and select the lost device in device manager box. Not it will automatically start tracking your device.

How to Track the lost mobile phone by “tracking app”?

If you have already installed tracking app in your device then you can easily track simply sending one SMS. Activate android Lost by one SMS.

On the top of this there are other several ideas to search you lost device. But the most important thing is to keep your belongings safe so that we need not to be burst in trouble.

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