DV 2021 online Application Form is now open. However there is big change in DV 2021 online Application form.
DV 2021 Online Application Form
Table of Contents
The state government is going to receive online DV 2021 Application Form from October 2 2019. Hence we suggest you all to prepare the required documents for the dv lottery 2021 online application.

Big Change in DV 2021
First time in the history of diversity visa lottery the state government is making valid passport mandatory for the dv lottery application. This information is in point 7 of the DV 2021 instructions of the state government.
How to Fill New DV 2021 Form?
Well here are the steps to complete the dv lottery new form. Basically the most of the personal information are same as the previous dv lottery form however this time you have to enter the passport number and country from where the passport was issued.
- Fill all the personal details.
- Enter the passport number.
- Fill the expiration date of passport.
- Enter the country of passport issuance.
Is the Passports of all the family members Required for DV Application?
No it is not. The passport of the principal applicant is required for the DV 2021 application. Like if father has the passport then he can apply as the main applicant for the DV lottery.
But at the same time if mother has no passport she cannot apply of the DV lottery as a principal applicant.
If you are still in confusion about is leave your quarries in the comment box below.
What is New in DV 2021?
The most awaited DV lottery 2021 is going to kick off by Wednesday October 2 2019. Due to requirement of passport of the principal applicant’s this time number of dv applicants seems to reduce as compared to previous years.
3850 will Get DV visa from Nepal
This year US government is going to award 3850 visa under the diversity visa lottery. It is the mathematical calculation that maximum 7 percent of the total DV visa a country can get.
For your information this year American government is providing 55000 diversity visas in total.
Best of luck to all the DV 2021 applicants for the success in diversity visa lottery.