Cambridge University General Paper Practice Questions

Cambridge University General Paper Practice Questions

Here is Cambridge University General Paper practice questions. These Cambridge University General Paper practice questions will help students a lot.

Class:     A2

Subject:   General Paper                                                                                                     Time:     2 hours

Cambridge University General Paper Practice Questions


Answer any two questions

Your questions must be taken from two different sections

Each answer should be written in about 550 words

All questions in this paper carry equal marks.

Section   1

  1. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of democracy?
  2. To what extent do women enjoy equal rights in your country?
  3. Assess the role that music plays in your life.
  4. Consider the view that the key to good health is not medicine, but lifestyle.

Section   2

  1. ‘Famine is a global issue, not just a local one’. Discuss.
  2. What are the main environmental problems in your part of the world, and how effectively are they being tackled?
  3. The study of history will enable Man to be wiser. Discuss.
  4. How far have the doctors followed medical ethics in your local hospitals?

Section   3

  1. To what extent is advertising always misleading?
  2. ‘A work of art can never be valued just in financial terms’. Discuss.
  3. Account for the ever increasing popularity of digital photography.
  4. Education is the only effective instrument in bringing about changes in society’. Is this true?

Cambridge University A level General Paper practice question

Class:     AS

Subject:  General Paper                                                                                                 Time:     2 hours


Answer any two questions

Your questions must be taken from two different sections

Cambridge University A level General Paper practice questions

All questions in this paper carry equal marks.

Section   1

  1. How far eco-tourism is in your country?
  2. To what extent is your society effectively dealing with drug-addicts?
  3. Assess the advantages of living in an extended family.
  4. How far is it the duty of couples to limit the number of children they have?

Section   2

  1. Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive these days?
  2. ‘Mobile phones are more of a nuisance than a benefit’. Discuss.
  3. ‘Computer games have great appeal but little value’. Is this a fair comment?
  4. Discuss the ways in which our eating habits are changing.

Section   3

  1. Photography is both skillful and creative. Explain it.
  2. How do movies or television influence people’s behavior?
  3. ‘Reading novel is a waste of time’. Discuss.
  4. What music appeals to you and why?

The candidates must read the questions properly.

We wish very best of luck to all the Cambridge University A level students.

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