In the fiscal year 2023/024 Japan is going to hire thousands of workers from Nepal. Here is demand for Japan Work Permit Job from Nepal.
Japan Work Permit Job from Nepal
Table of Contents
Find the job demand letter in the attached image.

What you will find in this article?
- Job demands for Japan with daily updates
- Requirements for work permit job in Japan.
- Job application process
- List of authorized manpower company for processing the Japan abroad jobs
This is completely information page for abroad jobs. However today we focus on Japan. The population growth rate of Japan is very slow hence it is under going for labor shortage.
New Job Demand for Japan
The cost for government-to-government workers exchange is very low. This is basically for the trainee workers. Japan provides this opportunity to transfer skills for migrant foreign workers hoping that they will train the other coworkers in their home country.
The trainee workers will also get the salary during the training period as well.
Japan Working Visa jobs Required Documents
- Nepali citizenship certificates with attested copy
- Valid passport with verified copy
- Certificate of work experience
- Basic training about Japanese language and culture
- Original certificate of orientation training
- Copy of recommendation letter from the existing industry or organization
- Self-commitment letter saying that you will continue the existing job in Nepal after returning from Japan.
Minimum Qualification for Japan Trainee Job
The trainee workers must meet these requirements. Individuals unable to meet these criteria will not the eligible to apply for this trainee working visa job in Japan.
- Must be a Nepali citizen
- Age between 19 to 25 years
- Unmarried
- Minimum two years work experience in the registered firms or organization in Nepal
- Applicant must be in the same profession which he or she is willing to apply for Japan trainee jobs
The total service charge cost for this job is NRs. 50,000 only. Fifty thousand only.
Information from Department of Foreign Employment
- Whenever you receive visa in your name then only pay amount to the manpower company.
- Make payment via banking channels
- Keep the contact details of Nepali embassy in Japan
- Never pay more than fifty thousand in this job processing
- Take orientation training
- Complete your life insurance process
- Never go for abroad employment without labor approval
- Never change the company in destination country
- Use only Nepal’s airports
Beside this if you have any question about Japan Work Permit Job from Nepal then contact to the department of foreign employment in Nepal.
There you will get the detail information.