By-election Online Result

By-election Online Result

Here we give by-election online result. So if you want to see online vote counting checks it over here.

Kaski 2 Election High lights

Kaski is in the focus of all leaders. It is because the only by-election for house of representative is in this district. In other words it is the matter of pride for major political parties. Hence it is something like the referendum among the parties.

64 Percent Cast Vote in Kaski

According to the latest information we have received nearly 64 percent cast their vote. Among them number of female is more than male in this election. The detail about the election is yet to come. Over all the election went well today.

Voters ID Card with Photo

According to the election officer of Kaski most probably the vote counting will start tonight. The chief election officer office is eager to complete this vote counting as soon as possible.

Very Low Participation in Rolpa Thabang

This time also the voters of Rolpa Thabang are very low. About 16 percent voters were there in the election voting centers.

By-election Online Result

The multi-party meeting is now going on to make some consensus for the vote counting. The commission for election Nepal is working hard to produce the result as soon as possible.

The house of representative election of Kaski election constituency 2 is in focus of this by-election.

Latest Vote Counting Updates

You can get the latest updates of vote counting from this page. First of all we are focusing for the Kaski district election vote counting. If every things go well the vote counting will start by 8.30 pm.

By-election online result of 37 districts.

It is our attempt to keep all our visitors updates about this election vote counting. Hence we make this page up to date in every hour.

Previous Election Details

We have many articles about pervious election of Nepal. Hence if you want to learn about them check our article in this page.

At last but not the least if you have positive comment share among your friends and if you have negative comments share it with us.

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