2021 2077 DV Winners Name and Address

2021 2077 DV Winners

Here is the list of 2021 2077 DV Winners Name and Address. It is easy to get your online DV Result via this page.

2021 2077 DV Winners Name and Address

The state government has published the online diversity visa lottery result. So here we have collected the name and address of dv winners for the year 2021 2077. This year nearly 4000 Nepali people are able to win the diversity visa lottery.

Name List of DV Winners from UAE

As you know well that Nepali people are eligible for the online DV lottery application from for any country in the world. This time the valid passport was mandatory for the dv lottery application.

Hence due this new provision for the dv lottery application the number of applicants was less than last year. However the number of dv applicants from abroad was encouraging.

How to get the online DV Result?

Well it is easy to get the online dv result. So for this you have to follow these steps.

First of all go to the official page of state government. The official website for the dv lottery is www.dvlottery.state.gov.  

  • Enter your confirmation number in the box seen in the above address.
  • Fill your passport number in the next box.
  • Submit your surname in the following box.
  • Finally submit the details for the online DV result.

Important Notice for DV Winners

Here is short description for the DV lottery first letter winners. All the first letter winners do not get the second letter. It is because the state government selects nearly 30 percent more candidates from the first letter selection.

Hence you might have seen some people in your community where are not able to get the second letter though they have got first letter.

Never be much worried or excited after winning the dv lottery. If you need any kind of counseling about the life in America our expert team is ever ready to help you.

American Traffic Rule                                                                  

Here we provide the class about the traffic rule in USA. So if you have any question about the driving and traffic rule just see our experts’ team.

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