How to Get Success In TSC Exam ?

tsc exam

Teacher Service Commission (TSC) is an organization working for quality education in Nepal. It conducts exam and interview for the selection of teachers. Here we discuss on TSC Exam.

And this TSC exam is very competitive one.  Here we are going to discuss about the preparation of TSC exam.

TSC Nepal Exam Center Information 

Teacher Service Commission Nepal is going to publish the Exam center notice very soon. So to get the details about the exam center remain in touch with us in social network.

TSC Nepal Questions About [संबिधान ]

It is said that success in not an accident. It is the result of hard work. Therefore to be successful in this exam you should follow these points.

Key points for success

  • Make daily timetable
  • Believe on your burning desire
  • Be regular in your study
  • Keep same pace for preparation
  • Never give up
  • Keep on hard working

These are some key points for success. Beside this presentation in your exam is the next crucial point for success. Whatever you learn try to link it in our real world.

If we are able to link the learned theory in practical life it is far better. The researches have shown that late night study is not fruitful. So try to get up early in the morning.

How to present the answer in TSC Exams?

  • Make a matured presentation
  • The presentation must be neat and clean
  • It must look like teacher’s work
  • Try to give answer to the point
  • Never accumulate unnecessary item in your answer
  • Read the questions carefully
  • Be a good time manager

EDV 2019 Winners Name List 

TSC Nepal written exam consist of both objective and subjective questions. While writing objective questions you must be careful. Never tick the answer in confusion. Think well before you tick the answer.

While writing subjective answer you must think about time allocation. As mention above give your answer to the point. Focus the answer with related point rather than common answer. Hence common and general answers keep no value in such competitive examination.

TSC Nepal examination is completely different than university level exam. In university level exam it is OK if you just get pass mark. But is such competitive exam you should come in merit.

How to Prepare TSC Exam?

Finally it can be said that success in TSC Nepal exam is the combination of burning desire and hard work. Believe on your work and keep on working hard so that success always comes after you. So if you just follow the above tips you will be success in  Teacher Service Commission.

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