The US dv lottery is also called state dv lottery. Here we have information about state dv lottery in details. American state government manage this state dv lottery.

Many people used to say that state government closed the dv program. So against the guess of many people state government has announced the online application for dv lottery.
Donald Trump’s views on DV lottery
Table of Contents

EDV Online Application Form
What is
Well, is the official site of state government for dv lottery. Here in this website i.e. in you can easily fill the dv form.
You can find the detail procedure about the form and filling procedure our previous articles.
So if you are the new visitor of please go through our past articles of dv lottery in this site.
Facts about US Green Card Lottery
Every year American government provides diversity visa to nearly fifty thousand people. Basically state government offers such visa to the people from countries having low US migration ratio.
In other word like people from Nepal where there are less Nepalese in America. So in brief this dv lottery form can be applied by the people of selected countries.
There is an article about the eligibility for dv lottery in the same site. Therefore you can see it for more information about the eligibility for green card lottery.
State DV Lottery Application Period
The application form for dv lottery is open from October 3. The last date for dv lottery application is November 7.
However in the press release of US embassy it is stated that fill you dv form as earlier as possible. So according to the embassy notice at the last moment there will be rush in the online application.
Hence when there is crowd sometime your application form may not reach to the destination.
Finally we would like to appeal all the dv interested people from Nepal and abroad to put forward your question if you have any about dv lottery.
DV winners Name List
Let’s do fast and fill the dv form today itself. It is wise to fill the dv form as earlier as possible.