The office of the controller of examination publishes the SEE Examination 2078 Result. Students can get their online SEE Exam results from here. Â

SEE Examination 2078 Result Date
Table of Contents
There were around five lakh students in 2078 SEE exam. Now the result is almost ready to publish. According to the source SEE exam 2078 results comes by the second week of July 2022.
How to get SEE result online result with grade sheet? It is the question in the mind of students and parents. So to address this issue we have online SEE result with grade sheet in this article.
How to Check SEE Exam Online Result?
Well, there are three ways to get the secondary education exam result. Namely they are web, SMS and IVR. Let us now discuss on them one by one. Okay first let us know how to get the SEE exam result in websites.
SEE Result in Webs
There are many websites to give SEE exam results. So students can visit one of them for the result with grade sheet. National examination and office of the controller of examination Bhaktapur publish the list of web providing the SEE online result.
We will make this list available in this page.
SEE Examination Results at
It is the official web page of Nepal Telecom for SEE result. Therefore students can log in this website for the online result with grade sheet.
As soon as you log in to this page you see the result page. There you have to complete this page. It is very easy. Just give your exam symbol number with alphabet and date of birth. Finally submit the details for the result. for the Online SEES Exam Result
National Examination Board provides online secondary education exam results. Hence students can visit this page for the result. But you have to try to check the result at least one hour later of the result publication.
It takes minimum one hour to upload the result in the server.
Here you will get the list of websites giving SEE exam Online Results.
SLC and SEE Result History
It was a time some decades ago when students have to wait for a week to get the SLC result. There was no facility of internet in the country. Similarly there was to facility of mobile phones. At that time students have to wait for paper print newspaper.
SEE SLC Result now and then
The only way to get the SLC result was Gorkhapatra National daily. In the remote areas it took more than a week to reach this newspaper.
In fact that time was just like Stone Age.
Radio Nepal used to broad Cast the SLC Result News. Then people having the landline phones at home can ring their relative in Kathmandu for the result. But poor and remote students are compelled to wait for the Gorkhapatra.
SEE Result by SMS
There are two ways to get the SEE result via SMS. One is sparrow sms run by private sectors. The other one is Nepal Telecom SMS. This sparrow sms cost is higher than NTC sms.
So for sparrow sms you have to send the sms at 35000. While for NTC sms you have to send it at 1600.
- Got the message box in your mobile phone.
- Type SEE give space and type exam roll number with alphabet.
- Now you can send this message at 35000 or 1600 as you wish.
If you have internet facility then SEE Examination Result in web is better than SMS. In web method you can get the grade sheet as well. But in sms you can just know the result and obtained GPA only.
New Grading System in SEE Exam
The examination board together with NEB is planning to implement new letter grading system form this year. Here we have some highlights about new grading system.
- The minimum pass mark for theory in 35 percent
- The pass mark in practical is 40 percent.
- Students must get the minimum pass mark both theory and practical.
- It means students must get pass mark individually in theory and practical.
- None Graded system in the result.
- If a student is not able to get pass marks in more than two subjects then such students will not get grade sheet.
- Such students result in NG that is none graded.
How to Correct Name and DOB in Grade Sheet?
It is always a matter of headache for the students and parents. Students find spelling errors in their name. Similarly there are errors in the DOB as well. In such case you have submit the application for the correction.
Take the recommendation letter for your school for the correction. Now visit education development and coordination unit in your district.
Absent in the Result
In some cases students have appeared the entire subject in SEE examination but result comes absent. In this case also your school must take initiation for the correction. Students alone can do nothing. If you have such kinds of problem visit your school administration for further actions.
SEE Online Result by IVR System
It is the automated voice response method. So to get the SEE exams online result you can dial
1600 from landline or CDMA Phone set. There you have to follow the instructions given over there.
We think that we have discussed all the issues related to secondary education examination results. Still there is any thing missing please comment us. You can submit your queries in the comment box below
Finally we would like to say best of luck to all the SEE students of SEE Examination 2078 Result batch. May god bless them?