This year too it is nearly impossible to conduct SEE exam in student’s physical presence. So here we discuss about the SEE Exam New Modality.

2077 SEE Exam Routine
Table of Contents
It is the new exam routine for secondary education exam 2077. If the corona virus infection comes under control the government will conduct the physical presence exam. Hence the examination board will publish the new exam schedule.
We will upload this new routine in this page as soon as it will be public.
But the probability of physical presence exam is very slim. For the remaining alternative methods of evaluation, the task force is collecting the suggestions. According the high source of examination board Nepal, it will finalize the exam modality very soon.
SEE Exam New Modality
The ministry of education has formed a team to find out the alternative way to conduct the secondary education exam 2077. The meeting of the task force has decided to collect the suggestions from the stake holders. So this task force will suggest the government with different alternative for the SEE 2077 exam.
So it seems that students have to wait for two more weeks. As the chance to conduct the traditional system is being slim probably there will be next alternative method of evaluation.
Haphazard Evaluation in SEE 2076
The situation was same last year too. The national examination board Nepal has asked the schools to evaluate the students from their respective subject teachers. But many schools of Nepal gave unbelievable result. For example, more than thousand students were in overall GPA 4 which used to be in two digits in the past.
SEE Students Real Evaluation
So learning from the past experience this year there must be a mechanism to make real evaluation of the students. In such pandemic situation students must not be in pressure. On the other hand, the evaluation system must be scientific and free from human errors. Otherwise this year too many schools will submit the result like the previous year.
SEE Exam Practice Questions
We have all subjects practice question for SEE students. Here we are not going to repeat all the questions. So if you want to see the questions please find the practice question in our site. Just follow the above link to reach the question bank.
Best Schools and Colleges for Grade 11 Study
It is the list of best schools and colleges of Nepal for class 11 study. So according to your choice you can choose.
Finally, we would like to express our best wishes for the upcoming board exam for class ten students.