Well you can download Online SEE Grade Sheet from your computer. So for this you need internet facility in your computer. Here we provide the step by step method to get online Grade sheet of SEE exam.

Online SEE Grade Sheet
Table of Contents
In Nepal secondary education examination SEE result has different value. It is very much valued in the society. It the time passed it was taken as the Iron Gate. But now days it is no more iron gate.
SLC versus SEE
Since 2072 BS the government of Nepal has started the letter grading system in the board exam at the end of class 10. In the past it was called SLC School leaving certificate.
SEE 2076 Result
But now it is called SEE secondary education exam. However there is no big difference in the examination system in SLC and SEE only the term is different.
SEE Grade Sheet Obtaining Process
The office of the examination does not publish the SEE result in printing media. It has been several years that students have to search their result in digital media like mobile SMS system or internet.
Just follow these steps to download the SEE grade Sheet
- first of all log on to the official website on examination board Nepal i.e. www.neb.gov.np
- Enter the exam roll number that is symbol number and date of birth in the required space.
- Now submit the details for the online SEE result.
- There will be option to choose either to download grade sheet or not.
- Choose download Grade sheet in this option.
Beside this you can get the Result with grade sheet via Nepal Telecom website as well.
This year SEE 2076 Students result is based on internal evaluation. Schools have prepared the result. Hence there will not be big traffic jam in the internet server during SEE result day. Otherwise every year the official page server used to be down due to high traffic at a time.
Though each School know their students result we want to wish very best of luck to all the SEE 2076 students for their result.