Nepal Rastra Bank is the bank of banks in Nepal. So Rastra Bank is the apex body to control inflation in the country.
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Fill online form for the job. Go to the official page of NRB for the online form.
Nepal Rastra Bank Online Form
Similarly Nepal Rastra Bank [NRB] prepares the monetary policy of the nation. So you can get more about NRB in this page.
Rastra Bank of Nepal Job Notice
Rastra Bank is the Bank of Banks. It is so because all the commercial banks in Nepal are guided by the NRB. Together with this it is the vault of Nepal government to deposit all the national assets. NRB is the only body for the money circulation in the market.

Nepal Rastra Bank Online Application Notice
So Rastra Bank produces the notes in circulation. Beside this it has several other functions. So if you want to know more about NRB please the official
Rastra Bank Job Opportunity
NRB has recently announced the vacancy notice. So according to this notice there is 151 vacant posts in different levels. We have attached the details about this job notice in this page. We have several other bank job opportunities in our website. So this is the great opportunity for the job seekers.
Model Questions for Rastra Bank Jobs
Here you find the model questions for Nepal Rastra Bank job. These are the model questions prepared by our subject expert. Hence we hope it will help you a lot for the exam preparation.
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What More You Find Here?
Beside the information about NRB we provide all kinds of job notices available in the market. Bank job, school teaching jobs, university job and public service commission Nepal jobs are available here. Therefore remain with us for all kinds of vacancy announcements.
PSC Nepal Model Questions
Finally we would like to express best wishes to all the candidates of NRB job. Once more wish you all very best of luck.