The ministry of information and communication has published Nepal 2079 Public Holidays. Interested can get the list from here.

Nepal 2079 Public Holidays
Table of Contents
Nepal government publish the list of public holidays in Raj Patra. Every year Nepal government publish the list of government holidays. Among the employees this list play key role. Similarly, the private sectors prepare the new year calendar according to this list of public holidays.
Nepal 2079 Universal Holidays
All 52 or 53 Saturdays are public holidays in Nepal. Beside this there are some days as holidays only for Kathmandu valley. On the other hand, there are some universal holidays for certain ethnic groups only. This is the list of universal holidays declared by the federal government.
On the top of this there are so many other holidays given by the provincial government.
3 layers Nepal Government Holidays
In the present situation the republic Nepal has three layers’ government. In the central level there is federal government. This list of public holidays for 2079 is of federal government. These holidays are obvious for all the level government.
Beside this each province government has right to observe public holidays in their territory. Hence the number of public holidays is different in different province.
Local Government Holidays
Each municipality has right to observe certain days as public holidays in their region. Hence this public holiday total number is not same in all local level.
Nepal General Holidays 2079
These general holidays are observed throughout the country. All the province level government and local level government are compelled to follow this list. As mentioned above beside this there might be some other conditional holidays in local and province level.
In This Article
Beside the public holidays information, we give TSC and PSC information here. Well, let us now discuss on teacher Service Commission fourth coming exam. Unlike to the previous exam this time there will be elementary exam.
Candidates able to cross this exam can sit for the main exam. Therefore, this first phase general exam for all subjects seem to be tough. Here we have model questions for this exam. The TSC candidate can find it useful for their exam.
30 Baishak 2079 Holiday
It is election day in Nepal. This is local level election day throughout the country. Hence in this day there will be public holiday in the country. The following day is Saturday hence it is obviously holiday. Therefore, you are getting two consecutive days as holiday.
Baishak 1 General Holiday in Nepal
It is new year day. Every year this new year day is holiday in the country. During the public holidays schools, colleges and government offices remain closed. If you are thinking to take online service from different sectors first know about the public holidays.
Basically Nepali living in abroad can find this list useful.