National examination board Nepal has changed the letter grading system. Here is NEB New Letter Grading System.

Will there be SEE 2078?
Table of Contents
There is rumor in the market that there will be no SEE exam. But the high level source of National Examination Board tells that we are preparing for the Question printing. Hence at this moment there is slight confusion among the students and parents.
The parliamentary committee has directed the NEB to dissolve the SEE exam process. But in fact it was not the dismiss of SEE exam rather to transfer it to the province level.
So it seems that there will be SEE board exam either in province level or national level.
SEE Exam Routine
Here is SEE exam routine. Students can get the routine from this page. We would like to express our best wishes to all the SEE students.
New SEE Grading System
NEB has introduced the letter grading system instead of marks in 2072 BS. Now after six years there is amendment in grading system. Check the new grading system from the following table.
NEB New Letter Grading System
According to the new provision the pass mark is 35. It means all the students from grade 1 to 12 must score minimum 35 percent in theory. Similarly the pass marks for the practical is 40. On the top of this the most important thing is that you must pass theory and practical separately.
Brief Explanation
Like in the past if one student got 24 out of 25 in practical and 8 out of 75 in theory he gets promotion. But now the students must get minimum pass mark both theory and practical separately. It means there is challenge for the students to get promotion in higher class.
Draw Backs of Letter Grading System
This system has really made the students lazy. It means there was no meaning of securing 100 or 90. But now students need to concentrate in the subject matter.
SEE Model Questions
Are you SEE candidates? Here we have model questions for SEE exam. We are working hard to provide basic concept in each subject of secondary education exam. Hence if you have any question in any subject sends it to us. Our expert’s team will reply it.
Class 12 Exam Routine
NEB has published class 12 exam time tables. Get the exam routine from the official page of examination board. We have attached the routine in this article as well. At this moment we would like to express our best wishes to all the class 12 students.
SEE Result 2078
SEE result is out now. So, you can download the grade sheet from the given link. There were more than 5 lakhs SEE candidates this year. According to the initial result analysis nearly 35 percent students are not graded. It means that they are not able to get 35 percent in each subject.