Here is NEB Nepal Exam Routine. The exam schedule for class 12 is given below. We provide all the Examination board Notice in this page.
Class 12 Exam Notice
Table of Contents
Here is a notice for class 12 postponed exam. Get the exam details from the above link.
Revised Class 12 Routine
The National Examination Board Nepal has published class 12 board exam routine. According to the routine the exam begins from 31 Shravan 2078. Here is the updated exam time table.

This is the old routine of class 11 and 12. There will not be exam for class 11 this year. however class twelve board exam may start from the first of Aswin 2077
NEB Nepal Exam Routine
National examination board Nepal works for all kinds of board exam for class 11 class 12 and SEE exams. The details of the exam notice are attached below. So you can get it and print it for their personal purpose.
National Examination Board Exam Routine
Class 12 final exam begins from the second week of Baishak. Similarly the exam for grade 11 begins two weeks after the class twelve exams. That means it is similar to the previous year time table. Last the exam routine was like this.
NEB Class 12 Result
Here we provide the board exam result as well. Hence the students can get the NEB board exam result via this page.
Exam Date and Time
The final board exam for both the classes begins at 7:00 am to 10:00 am in the morning. If you have any more queries about the board exam leave it in the comment box below.
NEB Board Exam Past Papers
If you are looking for the past paper collection for national examination board Nepal you are in right place. Here we have the collection of past papers of all subjects for both class 11 and class 12. Hence students can get it from here free.
NEB Exam Centers of Pokhara
Pokhara is the head quarter of Gandaki Province. There are many exam centers for the national examination board exams. Here is the list of exam centers of Pokhara. So kindly suggest all the students to check their exam centers carefully.
NEB Exam Centers of Kathmandu
Here is the list of exam centers of Kathmandu. Being the capital city of Nepal obviously there is highest number of exam centers compared to others. The details of the exam center are given below.
Thousands of students are waiting for the board exam time table. As soon as the examination controller of national exam board publishes it we will upload it over here.