NEB Grade 11 Result Published

NEB Grade 11 Result

NEB Grade 11 result is out today. You can check your NEB Grade 11 result over here. This year grade 11 exams was held from Asar 1 2074 to 10 Asar 2074. This year grade examination was shifted thrice. Due to the local level election in Nepal the examination date was changed again and again. This year’s grade 11 batch is a unique batch. Let’s now see why is it unique?

Unique NEB Grade 11 Batch

This year grade 11 batch is a unique batch. There are several facts behind it.

  • Earth quake batch in SEE exam
  • First letter grading batch of SEE exam
  • Most often examination timetable postponed and per-poned batch

These current grade 11 students when they were in grade 10 had faced the devastating earth quake in Nepal. This earth quake has disturbed their SEE exam study. Similarly the letter grading system was firstly introduced from this batch in grade 10 board exam in Nepal.

NEB Grade 11 Result

We have been giving the grade 11 board exam results in the past. Similar to its continuity here is 2074 grade eleven batch board exam results. It is easy to check the result. We have mentioned the details about how to check the result. The result can also be obtained from the official site of National Examination Board Nepal.

Students Passed in Grade A+ 

Grade A Achieving Students 

The official site of National Examination Board is

Grade 11 Result via sms

You can also find the NEB grade 11 result by sending the sms. So the details about this is already in our previous article.

Grade 11 result is also available in the website of Nepal Telecom. So the students with their symbol number and date of birth can check their result in this site. The official site for national examination board exams result is

So finally we would like to express our best wishes for your success and bright future. So,for any kind of academic information visit this website.

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