National Examination Board Class 10 section publishes the Grade 10 SEE Board Exam Result. Students and parents can get the result with grade sheet from this page.

What you will find in this article?
Table of Contents
- Online SEE exam result with grade sheet
- Class eleven entrance exam questions.
- Steps to check the SEE result in websites
- How many students got GPA 4 this year
- Number of failed students in different provinces
Grade 10 SEE Board Exam Result
Secondary education examination examinees can now check their online result with grade sheet. You can get the result from the official websites of Nepal government and office of the controller of examination.
Class 11 Entrance Exam Questions
The next challenge for the SEE graduates is to face the class 11 entrance exam. Basically, it is difficult to get the admission to some reputed schools and colleges for class 11 study. They have to face tough entrance exam.
This bundle of question in our previous articles will help the students to prepare the entrance exam.
Grade 10 SEE Board Exam Result
Class 10 SEE exam result is out. Details about the result we have at the end of this article. The online SEE exam result with grade sheet is available at It is the official result page of Nepal Telecom.
How to check online SEE Exam Results?
There are three options to check the online SEE exam results. We will give you the brief explanation in each.
- SEE Examination Result in Websites
- SMS method for online SEE results
- SEE Exam result by IVR
We have explained about them in details in our previous articles. Hence, we are not going to repeat the same over here.
How many students got GPA 4?
The number of students getting over all average GPA 4 is few. It is not the SEE result of 2076. That year students were evaluated by the respective subject teachers. Therefore, more than one thousand students from all over Nepal got average grade point 4. It was really unbelievable.
List of Students in A+ grade
It is our attempt to collect the list of students in A+ grade. The examination board Nepal does not publish such list.
We will give the more information about the SEE Exam result 2079 in our next article.
List of Students in B Grade
Large number of students are in this category. Details about it is yet to come. As soon as the result analysis will be over by the experts it will be public here in this article.
We will update this SEE result page daily.
How many students failed SEE 2079
If you are not able to secure minimum 35 percent in theory and 40 percent in practical then you will get NG grade in that subject. Similarly, if you got NG in three or more than 3 subjects then you cannot retake the chance exam.
Such students are like failed in percentage evaluation system.
At last, we would like to express our best wishes to all the SEE appeared students for their result.