Myadi Police Result

Myadi Police Result

Here is Myadi Police Result. Nepal government is going to enroll one lakh fifteen thousand temporary police for the coming election.

Check Result

Here we will make the result available. As soon as the result publish you will get the notification about it.

Myadi Police Result

Nepal government ministry of home is going to publish the final result of Myadi police by tomorrow i.e., 25 Ashoj 2079. This force will work to support Nepal police force during the election. In addition to this they will be in duty before election and few days after election as well.

Nepal Election 2079

It is regular election of the parliament. This election will select the member of federal government parliament as well as the province parliament. You can get more details about the election from the official web page of election commission Nepal. It is

Voters ID

All the Nepali citizens completing 18 years by the end of Kartik 2079 are in the voters list. If you are missing from the list, get it update after this election. Now this process in halt condition. You can update the voters list from any district administration office or ilaka administration offices.

Nepal Election Result

Soon after the voting is over, vote counting starts. Nepali citizens from all over the world are watching this election result closely. It is the matter of interest. Law makers for 5 will be finalized by this election.

Temporary Police Result

There is interest of all age group people for temporary police job. It shows the unemployment situation of the country. Females are equally interested for the job. Nearly there was three times more applications than the required vacancy.

Nepal Police Job Result

The applicants of Myadi police vacancy are waiting for the result. According to the news Myadi police job result will come by 11 October 2022. At this moment we would like to express best wishes to all the applicants of the job.

Mangsir 4 Election

The federal government and province parliament is going to held by Mangsir 4 2079. The candidate’s nomination is now over. Nepali citizens can choose their best candidates by this election.

Vehicular Movement During Election

There will no be as it used to be in the past. According to the election commission this time there will be well managed vehicular movement in the election day as well.  It will not be like Nepal banda.

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