Importance of Educational Psychology

educational psychology

The psychology has two parts.  They are theoretical and practical. Here we discuss about educational psychology.

Its development was started many years ago. Its implementation and use was felt little bit later. In developed countries they have been using psychological students counselling.

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In developing countries the demand of psychology is high. Why should a teacher study educational psychological? Therefore here we discuss why psychology is important is schools. Also why it should be used in teaching and learning process?

Why it is needed for the teachers? These are the some genuine questions of teachers. They are the concern of and students.

Education is the basic need of our life. It is the life long process. Therefore education is a continuous process of our life.

So educational psychology helps to construct the objective of education. It also help to fulfill the objective of the evaluation.

Education psychology helps and guide teacher and student. It helps to form curriculum, text book and teaching methods. So it supports to create discipline in school. Also it  helps to administration.

It helps all other organs of education. Hence it studies the human behavior of teacher. Education studies the reinforcement.

It uses the tool of prize, punishment and imagination etc. While it finds out the individual difference of individuals. It also helps to discover individual’s knowledge.

Therefore it promotes interest. It develops thinking power. The area of psychology is wide.

Importance of Educational Psychology.

 Students in the school are from various group. They are for different society. They are from different environment. It helps to understand children.

So the teacher must know the interest of students. Therefore teacher must know educational psychology.  So that he can  teach the class perfectly.

The needs of learners can only be addressed by trained teacher. Today’s world is looking for child friendly class room teaching.

For this the minimum requirement is the wise use of  psychology. It should be used by the teacher. It should be used in the class room. In short it can be said that for better teaching learning process.

A teacher must read each student. Teacher is the guide of the students’ life. A students see his life through the window of a teacher’s view. Teacher light the world burning himself. He is like a candle.

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