Grade 8 DLE HPE Questions

Grade 8 DLE HPE Questions

Here are grade 8 DLE HPE questions. So these grade 8 DLE HPE questions are prepared by experienced teachers. We hope that this collection of grade 8 DLE HPE questions will help the students a lot for the district level examination preparation.

Grade 8 DLE HPE Questions

Class: 8                                                                                                                        F.M.: 50

Subject: HPE                                                 Time: 1 Hour 15 Min                               P.M.: 20

  1. Fill in the blank with suitable/ correct word/s: (10×0.5=5)
  2. Pulmonary veins join with……………and………….
  3. Aortic valve allows to circulate……………..blood from………….to…………
  4. Cervix is situated between……………….and…………
  5. Deficiency of vitamin ‘D’ causes……………..disease.
  6. 3-R methods mean: Reduce, reuse and……………
  7. Green belt should be………… control noise pollution.
  8. Tick (Ö) for correct sentence and (X) for incorrect sentence: (5×1=5)
  9. Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid.
  10. In presence of balanced diet body deteriorates physically.
  11. Beast feeding is also one of the preventive measures of malnutrition.
  12. Pancreas acts as both with duct and ductless gland.
  13. Solid waste should be disposed properly to control noise pollution.

    Grade 8 DLE English Questions 

Grade 8 DLE HPE Questions

Match the following: (5×1=5)

  1. Cerebrum                            [       ] deficiency of protein
  2. Cerebellum helps                [       ] to feel, see, taste and smell.
  3. Marasmus is caused by      [       ] deficiency of iron
  4. Kwashiorkor is caused by   [       ] coordinate muscle tone and posture.
  5. Anaemia is caused by        [       ] deficiency of calorie and protein.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Draw a labelled diagram of heart or male reproductive organs. (2+1)
  2. Write down the reproductive process. (2)
  3. Mention cause, symptom and preventive measure of goiter. (1.5)
  4. Write down note on night blindness. (2)
  5. Explain the ‘Boiling’ and ‘Sodis’ methods of water purification briefly. (1+1)
  6. How can you use drinking water economically? (2)
  7. How can you manage or minimize solid wastes? (1+1+1)


Write down six preventive measures of air pollution: (6×0.5=3)

How is football/ volleyball game played? (2)


If you are given to be referee of football/volleyball game, how do you declare winner? (2)

At last we would like to wish best of luck to all the district level examination appearing students. Work hard for your DLE exam.

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