How to apply DV 2022 Application from UAE? It is the question in the mind of many Nepalese working in UAE. So here we have all the detail procedure to apply dv lottery form from United Arab Emirates.
DV 2022 Application from UAE
Table of Contents
Read this instruction given in Nepali carefully. Similarly follow all the steps correctly. So if you do so it is easy to apply the dv lottery form. World is a global village.
Hence there are Nepalese working almost all the countries of the world. But where ever they are no matter. If you have Nepali passport then you are eligible for the diversity visa lottery application.
Steps to Fill DV Lottery from UAE
Follow these steps for the dv lottery application. So to make it easier we have this instructions in Nepali language.

2022 Some New Instructions
The state government is going to implement some new criteria in DV lottery. Hence read this piece of instruction before applying the DV lottery form. Small error in your application form will make your dv form disqualify.
It is completely computer based random selection process. Computer has no sense like human. Therefore your application must be the perfect one.
20 Million Application from the World
Looking at the statistics of the dv lottery it shows that around twenty million applications were there last year. Around one million applications were there from Nepal only. US government grants three thousand to four thousands winners from Nepal.
Thousands of Application become disqualify due to Wrong Photo Size
During the application the computer may not inform you about the size and shape of the photograph. But during the selection process the software detects all the required conditions. Hence if you are not able to give the correct size photo then you may not be included in the lottery process.
If you are not selected that is up to your luck. But if your application become disqualified that is bad luck. We mean that at least make your application eligible for the random selection criteria.
If you want to learn more about the DV photo see our previous articles. How to make correct size dv photo? Please check our previous articles in GbsNote page.
DV Lottery the Easiest Way to Get Green Card in America
This lottery gives a golden chance to get green card in America. So, millions of people in the world are crazy on diversity visa lottery.
Interesting Matter on DV Lottery in Nepal
It is not sure that either the applicant will get the lottery or not. But it is sure that the mushrooming dv application filling centers in the city area earns handsome amount. So sometime the dv lottery filling agents earn more than what the lottery winner earn in USA.
DV Lottery History in Nepal
In early days DV lottery was paper based. But now it is digital. So nowadays it is called EDV i.e. electronic diversity visa.
The online DV form is available at