State government has published the DV 2019 2075 Result. So you can check the online DV 2019 2075 Result over here.
This year nearly 5000 people are able to win dv lottery according to the DV 2019 2075 Result.
DV 2019 2075 Result
Table of Contents
DV 2019 2075 Result is public now. Millions of Nepalese were waiting the dv result. Now they are able to check the online result via our page.
Here we provide the easy steps to check the DV 2019 2075 Result. We have several articles about dv result in our website.
DV Winners Name List
So you might have got the ideas to check the online dv result. So if you are the new one in our web page we suggest you all to check other articles related to edv result.

See Also: EDV 2019 Winners List
On the top of this here we have the list of DV winners from Nepal. Therefore if you have more information about the dv winners in your locality we would like to request to forward it to us.
So, we can include the names in the list of dv lottery winners. Beside this if you have any confusion regarding the dv result leave the comment in the comment box below.
More: Online Application to Migrate Canada
If you are not able to win the edv 2019 do not worry still you can make online application to live and work Canada. Here give the step by step process to make online application for Canada.
Several people from Nepal are living in Canada under this scheme. So do not be frustrated from DV lottery result. Still there is chance for you to get permanent visa of Canada.
NB: State Government publishes the Result of EDV 2020 on May 7 2019
Fast Track Canada Application
Well there are several jobs in Canada which can get privilege during the visa application. So if you are under this category that is fine.
The practice shows that it far easy for the skilled worker to visa in Canada.