Class Six Science Practice Questions

class six science

Class six Science practice questions. These questions are prepared by experienced teachers. Class six science students find it much useful.

  1. Fill in the blanks:
  2. The ancient people used the units like palm, fingers, hand, etc to measure the length. There are called……………………………………..
  3. While cycling, the foot has……………………………………..motion.
  4. It will be easy to load the timbers onto the truck if…………………………………is used.
  5. The substances having……………………………………less than that of liquid, floats in liquid.
  6. Heat is produced by the……………………………………………of food in the body of animals.
  7. Match the followings:
  8. Kerosene             [           ] soda water
  9. Salt+water             [           ] metalliod
  10. Water+gas             [           ] produces a clink sound
  11. Copper             [           ] distillation
  12. Arsenic             [           ] doesn’t sink in water
  13. Put (Ö) mark to the correct answer:
  14. The veins spread like networks in the leaves. [           ]
  15. All the cells have the same shape and size. [           ]
  16. Frogs can live even in very cold. [           ]
  17. The embryo contains the future root and stem. [           ]
  18. The land at different places is not the same. [           ]
  19. Write 2 differences between:
  20. Transparent body                                           Opaque body
  21. Linear motion                                                 Spiral motion
  22. Homogeneous mixture                                 And Heterogeneous mixture
  23. Element                                                           Compound
  24. Source of electricity Electric device
  1. Answer the following questions.
  2. What is SI unit? What precautions should be taken while measuring the volume of a liquid?
  3. What is pulley? Which types of machines are axe and tap?
  4. What is density? If the volume of a substance weighing 38gm is 50cm3, calculate its density.
  5. What is temperature? Write 2 effects of heat on the matter.
  6. What is shadow? If a mirror is kept in the sun reflects light into the room but it cannot be seen in the dark place, why?
  7. What is sound? Give 2 examples of natural source of sound.
  8. When a rubber band is stretched why is there a change in the sharpness of the sound?
  9. Write 4 properties of magnet.
  10. What is mixture? What are solute and solvent of brass?
  11. Write 4 uses of metals.
  12. Write 2 characteristics of aerial animals. Give 2 examples also.
  13. Write 1 function of each of the vacuole and cell wall.
  14. Name two examples each for the seed dispersed by wind and by explosive mechanism.

Work Sheet II

  1. Write 1 function each of the seed coat and cotyledon.
  2. What is a rock? Name 3 types of rocks.
  3. Write in short notes about surface water and underground water.
  4. Write any 4 causes of water pollution.
  5. Early in the morning, dew is seen in lawn grass, why?
  6. Why the sun, water and air are are called causative factors of the weather?
  7. What are the uses of barometer and hygrometer?
  1. Describe the experiment with diagram to show that hot air is lighter than cold air.
  1. Explain the activity to make a magnetic substance a magnet by single touch method with the help of diagram.
  2. Sketch a neat diagram of a dicot seed and label any 4 parts in it.
  3. Write down short answers of the followings.
  1. What is the basic unit of length?
  2. Define standard unit.
  3. What is the basic unit of time?
  4. In how many states does matter exist?
  5. How many hours will there be in 1 day?
  6. What is matter?
  7. Define  an element?
  8. What is compound?
  9. Define  solar watch?
  10. Name the two plants those grow in hot and dry climate.
  11. What is meant by annular plant?
  12. Name the two perennial plants.
  13. Why is the stem of the terrestrial plants hard and strong?
  14. Name two plants those grow in cold places.
  15. What makes water hyacinth float in the water
  16. Fill in the blanks.
  17. The molecules of solid are……………to each other.
  18. The molecules of gas are………….from each other.
  19. The geometric scale is used to draw……………….
  20. The unit of volume is……………………
  21. …………………between two events is called time.
  22. Write down two examples of each of the followings:
  23. Plants that submerged in water. ________________, ___________________
  24. Plants that grow in moist and shady places. ________________, ___________________
  25. Distinguish the soluble and insoluble substances in water from the following list. 0.5×6

         Salt, sugar, cooking oil, nail, washing soda, wax

Soluble substance Insoluble substance



  1. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.
  2. Calculate the volume of stone in the above example, (show your calculation). 2
  3. From the above example, calculate the volume of wooden cork, (show your calculation). 2
  4. Refer the diagram and answer the following questions.
  5. Which position of eye in the above example is correct to measure the volume of liquid? And why? Name the liquid that makes exactly same level of surface. 1.5+1.5
  1. Write down two points of differences of the followings: 2×2
  • Animals plants
  1. Hydrilla lotus

More Class Six Science Practice Questions

  1. Distinguish combustible and incombustible substances from the following list of materials.

         Oil, ghee, salt, coal, stone, glass, wax and plastic 0.5×8

combustible substance incombustible substance



  1. Study the figure and answer the following questions.

Calculate the thickness of one coin, (show your calculation).

19.Write down methods of measuring the accurate volume of gas contained in a balloon.

         Note: Explain each of steps of methods systematically.

  1. Write down the uses of different types of scale as given below.
  • 15 cm long scale of geometric box ____________________________________
  1. 1 meter long iron meter (cloth shop) ____________________________________
  • 2 meter long iron tape (carpentry) ____________________________________
  1. 50/100 meter long cloth or plastic tape ____________________________________
  • 150 cm long cloth or plastic tape (tailoring) ____________________________________
  1. a) Write down two precautions which you will take while measuring length with a metric rod.
  2. b) Explain, how is a litre related to millilitre? What unit is to be used to measure the amount of   liquid medicines?
  3. Draw any two diagrams of devices used to measure the volume of liquids.
  4. Identify the given plants in figure given below. Write their name and one characteristic each.

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