Office of the controller of examination publishes Class 10 SEE Exam Result 2078. Here you get online SEE result with grade sheet.
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Check your SEE 2078 online result with marks sheet. Just a single minute is enough to do all this. Take out your admission card and feed the details for the result.

Class 10 SEE Exam Result 2078
The board exam at the end of class 10 is secondary education exam SEE. SEE 2078 result is in the final stage. National examination board is trying to publish the SEE exam result 2078 by the end of June 2022. Secondary education examination result will be available in the official websites of Nepal government.
How to Check SEE Online Result?
Here are the steps to check online SEE exam results. Just follow these steps to get online SEE result.
- Go to
- There you will find the result page.
- Supply your exam roll number and date of birth.
- Finally submit the details for the online result.
If you are not in the internet coverage area then in such case you can use sms system to get SEE Exam Results.
How to get SEE Result by SMS System?
This SMS will not give you grade sheet. It only gives the grade you obtain in SEE exam. Basically this system is useful for the remote and distant students. If you do not have smart phone at that moment you can use SMS system.
- Go to message box in your mobile phone.
- Type SEE give space type your roll number.
- Now send this message at 1600
In reply you will get the text message mentioning your grade.
How to Use IVR system for SEE exam Result?
Interactive Voice Response is IVR. Nepal Telecom PSTN and CDMA phone users can use IVR system to get SEE exam result 2078. So for this purpose you have to follow these steps.
Are you using IVR system first time in your life? Well, no matter we give step by step knowledge for IVR system.
- This for land line or CDMA phone users only.
- Dial 1600 via land line phone set or CDMA phone set.
- Now you receive automated voice response over there.
- Just follow the instruction and move ahead for the online result.
SEE Result @
Nepal telecom provides class ten board exam result. So to get class ten board exam which is well known as SEE you can log in Nepal telecom official page as mentioned above. This gives SEE result with grade sheet.
2078 SEE Result at
This is the official website of examination board and department of education. The office of the controller of examination manages all the SEE exam matters. Similarly it is responsible for the result publication.
Students can get the SEE exam result from the official website of examination board i.e.
SEE Exam Result from
It is the official portal of national examination board Nepal. Office of the controller of examination is one part of NEB. Hence see online result is available at Sometime on the result day these official page may be out of order due to high traffic. Hence we suggest all the students and parents to use alternative private sectors blogs for the result.
SEE Result in Private Blogs and Pages
The latest update about it is yet to come. Hence as soon as the examination board publishes the list of private blogs and pages giving SEE result we will make it available in this page.
If you have any question about SEE result leave your queries in the comment box below. We will reply you within one working day.
What after SEE?
There are several options after SEE graduation for the students. like you can continue you grade 11 in none technical faculties. Similarly you can join technical field. Students can start diploma study in engineering. You can join several CTEVT courses.
Are you interested in nursing profession? If so, girls can join PCL nursing study. Therefore it is the right time to decide on what to study after SEE.
Class 11 Science
Certain group of bright students chooses this option. Here you can study pure science. This will let you to compete in MBBS and BE study. There is tough competition in both medical and engineering study in Nepal.
Few well off students move to abroad to continue their MBBS or engineering study.
Entrance Exam for Class 11
It is not easy to get admission in some renowned schools for science study. Students have to face entrance exam. So here we have some model questions for grade 11 entrance exams. These are the questions prepared by experienced teachers of different schools.
Finally we would like to express our best wishes to all the students for their upcoming SEE exam result.
Once more wish you all very best of luck.