Gorkhapatra daily newspaper provides the job notices in Nepal. Among all other newspapers Gorkhapatra daily newspaper is in front line.
Gorkhapatra daily is the publication of Gorkhapatra sansthan. It is the government owned authority in Nepal. Most of the government job wanted is given in Gorkhapatra daily.
Gorkhapatra Daily Newspaper Job Notices
Table of Contents
As mention above the most of the job notices of Nepal government is publishes in Gorkhapatra daily.
Here in this article we provide all the details of Nepal government job notices as given in Gorkhapatra daily.
It is our attempt to give you timely notice about the vacancy announcement made by Nepal government.

Nepal Government Vacancy Notice

Why Gorkhapatra daily newspapers?
Beside the job notices, there you can find other useful information in Gorkhapatra daily newspaper. It is the oldest newspaper of Nepal. Initially it was black and white but now according to the demand of time it is colorful.
Lok Sewa Job Notices in Gorkhapatra Daily
Lok Sewa Aayog Nepal gives its notices in Gorkhapatra daily newspaper. Generally the Wednesday issue in each week gives the Lok Sewa notices.
These notices consist of job application notices and the notice for job interview. Similarly Gorkhapatra daily newspaper publishes the final result of Lok Sewa job.
Lok Sewa Model Questions published in Gorkhapatra daily
Every Wednesday Gorkhapatra publishes subjective as well as objective questions. We make the collections of all these questions published weekly in this article. If you are not able to grasp these questions on the same day just go through this article. You can use this collection.
How to prepare Lok Sewa jobs?
If you are looking for the job preparations then this is the right destination. We provide online Lok Sewa preparation class. These online classes are free of cost. We provide such classes for the needy persons. So,busy people and job holders can use it to their fullest extent.
Hence at last but not the least we can say that it is preparation hub for jobs preparation.
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