Lok sewa Aayog timetable is out now. This lok sewa Aayog timetable proves that the lok sewa will do normal function in this fiscal year.

So this lok sewa timetable is the work schedule for the fiscal year 2075/076.
There was rumor that lok sewa Aayog will not make the advertisement. So many people were in confusion about it.
Table of Contents

Lok Sewa Aayog Sambandhi Jankari
This recently published lok sewa timetable proves that there will be advertisement for several posts as usual.
So we hereby would like to request all the candidates of lok sewa Aayog to go ahead for the preparation. Lok sewa Aayog different level preparation materials are available here.
Lok Sewa Aayog Timetable for 2076/077
The lok sew Aayog timetable consist of time schedule for the vacancy announcement, exam timetable, result publication and the recommendation for the appointment.
So with the help of this timetable it will be easy for all the job seeker for their self-preparation.
Download Lok sewa Aayog Na Su Questions
Here you can easily download the question bank for Na Su level. Ten plus two pass is qualification for Na Su.
We have sample questions for Na Su. Similarly you can find old questions collection of lok sewa Aayog over here.
Lok Sewa Aayog Kharidar Questions
Kharidar is the junior level post in the Nepal government service. SLC now called SEE pass is the qualification required to apply for the post Kharidar. There are two level exams for Kharidar as well.
There are preliminary level exam and the main exam. Those who are able to succeed in the first round can take part in the second round.
Lok sewa Aayog Section officer Questions
This lok sewa section officer is the third class officer. Section officer exam also consist of two rounds via Elementary round and main exam.
Similar to the other level exams one must succeed the elementary round to take part in main exam.
Here we provide all level online problems solving service. We give free service to you.
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