US Working Visa Job Opportunity !!!

Work Visa in USA

How to apply for work visa in USA? Here we provide step by step process for US working visa online application.

Apply Now

Take an eligibility test for the United States working visa. Just take few minutes to complete this online application form. Eligible candidates can apply for the working visa in USA.

How do I apply for a work visa in USA?

You need job offer letter to apply for the working visa. This job offer letter you have to receive from your employer in USA. The employer on behalf of the employee has to complete the petition form.

The labor department of the state government has to approve the petition form to allow foreign workers in their firms.

Is working visa Open in USA?

United States labor department opens working visa in agricultural and industrial sectors. USA is undergoing the shortage of labor. Hence US based company can now enroll the foreign labors in their industries. In fiscal year 2021 state government is going take 22000 additional temporary workers.

We have details about it in our previous article. Hence if you want to learn more about this working visa check our past articles.

How long does it take to get a US work visa?

It depends upon your employer. First of all the employer has to submit the petition form on the behalf of the employee. The labor department has to approve this application form. The most important thing is that the America based company must open the vacancy in their local newspaper with application period of one month.

In this time period if they are now able to fulfill the vacant post then only the company is eligible for the enrollment of foreign workers.

How can I go to USA for work?

There are different kinds of working visa for America. So, choose that visa which suits your qualification and experience. Beside this there is an opportunity for the unskilled labor visa in USA.

Hence choose the visa according to your knowledge and work experience. Sometime wrong section of visa may result the rejection of visa in the embassy.

Therefore we kindly suggest all the interested candidates to make enough study about different kinds of working visa in USA before apply for the visa.

Whatever visa you choose to move America as a worker you must have job offer letter.

More details about it you can read in

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