TSC Nepal Lower Secondary English Result Published

tsc nepal lower secondary english result

TSC Nepal Lower Secondary English Result will publish soon. You can check this TSC Nepal lower secondary English result over here.

Teacher service commission has already published the result of Nepali, Social studies, mathematics and science. You can check the result of these subjects by the link provided in this article.

TSC Nepal Lower Secondary English Results

TSC lower secondary Result is coming soon.

Here we have kept the TSC Nepal lower secondary English result of all five development regions. Here it is easy to check your result.

Lower Secondary Exam English Questions [DLE Questions]

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

One doesn’t have to convince schoolboys that holidays are necessary in one’s life. They always welcome holidays with excitement and joy. It would be more difficult to convince them about the importance of work and study.

But, we cannot underestimate the value of holidays when they occur at regular intervals. They help one to have a diversion from routine work. A change of scene relaxes the mind and refreshes the body.

Rest and recreation are significant in improving one’s state of mind and in removing the dull moments of monotony from one’s life. Holidays are especially important for young people and for those engaged in hard mental work, for, continuous work will injury one’s health and cause a nervous breakdown.

A short holiday, if rightly used, will send us back to work with renewed zest and zeal.

Some people do not use their holidays wisely. If one spends all one’s time to shut up in a room or if one exhausts oneself in a round of continuous amusements, holidays will cause more harm than good.

To make a holiday really fruitful, one should have regular hours of sleep and play, enjoying the pure air of the countryside. But then, we should not be completely idle either. We should take up some work that we enjoy doing, maybe, like gardening or painting, to make our holiday enjoyable.

Social Studies Central Region Ko Natija

Answer the following questions:

  1. Why are holidays necessary?
  2. When do holidays become unproductive?
  3. How can you make your holidays more productive?

Write true or false for each of the sentences:       

  1. Holidays are important for young people only.
  2. It is difficult to convince schoolboys that holidays are not necessary in one’s life.
  3. We should completely rest during holidays.
  4. We must do gardening during our holidays.

Find the words from the passage which mean the same as the words given below.

  1. Important……………………
  2. Persuade……………………
  3. a lack of variety…………….
  4. Revived………………………

Read this passage and answer the questions that follow:

One day Kaka Saheb Kalekar found Gandhiji anxiously searching for something on his desk. ‘What’s the matter? What are you looking for?’ Kaka Saheb asked. ‘I’ve lost my pencil,’ Bapu answered. ‘It’s a very small pencil.’

Kaka Saheb was upset to see Bapu wasting time and worrying about a little pencil.  He took out his pencil and offered it to him.

‘No, no, I want my own pencil,’ Bapu insisted like a stubborn child.

‘Well, use it for the time being,’ said Kaka Saheb, ‘I’ll find your pencil later. Don’t waste time looking for it.’

‘You don’t understand. That little pencil is very precious to me,’ Bapu insisted. ‘Natesan’s little son gave it to me in Madras. He gave it to me with so much love and affection that I can’t bear to lose it.’

Kaka Saheb didn’t argue any more.  He joined Gandhiji in the search. At last they found it—a tiny piece hardly two inches long.  But Gandhiji was delighted to get it back.  To him it was no ordinary pencil. It was the token of a child’s love and to Bapu a child’s love was very precious.

  1. Which word in the passage suggests that Gandhiji was worried about what he had lost?
  2. There are two ‘its’ in paragraph 4. The first ‘it’ refers to———–and the second ‘it’ to———–.
  3. Gandhiji was fond of the little pencil because it———————–(Complete the sentence).
  4. Find the words in the passage which mean opposite to the meaning to the following.
  5. (i) save (ii)   dislike    (iii) agree     (iv)   unusual
Write ‘T’ for true statement and ‘NT’ for not true.                                                          
  • Gandhiji was searching for a pen on his desk.
  • Kaka Saheb was surprised to see Bapu wasting time for an ordinary pen.
  • The pencil was dear to Bapu.
  • At last the pencil was found and it was two and half inch long.

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