National Examination Board (NEB) Office of the controller of examination Class 10 section publish the Class 10 SEE Board Exam Result.

Class 10 SEE Board Exam Result
Table of Contents
NEB has already announced the tender from the interested media houses to publish the SEE result via IVR, SMS and websites. Private companies, media houses and other service providers can give the SEE exam result by different ways as mentioned. However, they must follow the norms given by examination board Nepal.
Class 10 Final Exam Result 2079
NEB is now almost ready to publish the SEE exam result. The examination board is going to open the tenders from different sectors to provide the SEE result. Most probably NEB will finalize the list of SEE online result providers by today itself. Then within couple of days examination board will publish the result.
Final Exam Result of Class 10
The final board exam at the end of class ten is secondary education exam SEE. The result is about to publish. According to the high-level source the examination committee will publish the SEE board exam result by next week.
How to get SEE Grade Sheet?
The only way to get the SEE grade sheet is website. Looking to the previous years trend it is easy to get the SEE result with grade sheet from It is the official result page for SEE students supported by Nepal telecom.
New Grading System
It is the first batch of SEE students getting the result in new grading system. The main feature of this grading system is NG system. NG is the letter grade in those subjects where students are not able to score even 35 percent in theory and 40 percent in practical.
How many Students got average GPA 4 this year?
It is the question in the mind of every smart student. But it is not an easy job. The individual student must score above 90 percent in each subject. However, there are few students in this category.
NEB does not publish the result in that way. It is our attempt to produce the result analysis.
How many Students failed SEE 2079 Exam?
Though the examination board does not give the result as passed or failed but indirectly there are failed students. Like those students who are getting NG in three or more than 3 subjects are failed.
This group of students can retake all the subjects only in the next year SEE exam.
Finally, we would like to express our best wishes to all the SEE appeared students for their up coming result.