Tourist Bus From Fewa to Begnas Lake

tourist bus nepal

The tourist bus service from Begnastal to Pokhara has started. The direct bus service will help to promote tourism in Pokhara. There was no direct bus service from lake side Pokhara to Begnastal. Many tourists coming to Pokhara were not able to visit Begnastal. The new bus service will certainly help to increase tourist in Lekhnath. It is model of tourist bus Nepal.

In Begnastal also now there are many restaurants and lodges. Pokhara is the second hub of tourists in Nepal. Many tourists were not able to visit Begnastal in the lack of direct bus service. The new bus service is privilege for tourists to visit Begnastal. Though there is Begnastal Pokhara micro service. This bus service is not convenient for the tourists. The newly introduce bus service seems to be attractive for the domestic tourists as well.

Tourist Bus Nepal

garden city

Local people are also highly motivated by this service. This bus service will help to increase the business both Lekhnath and Pokhara. The traveling cost will also be reduced after the direct bus service. Before this tourists have to rent the taxi or motorbike to visit Begnastal. The tourists who are staying only one day in Pokhara can also visit Begnastal.

Many Tourists were found unknown about the Begnastal. After this bus service the number of visitors is also seems to be increased. Begnas Lake is located to the north of Pokhara. The lake is naturally built.

It is surrounded by the hills. The construction of dam by the assistance of Chinese government has increased the size of the lake. You can enjoy the boating in the lake. There is a park near by the lake. The lake is pollution free till the date. The living cost for the tourists is low in Begnas than in Pokhara.

The lodges are also cheap in comparison to Pokhara. The tourists who want to stay in calm environment can enjoy Begnastal. Beside this there are many home stays for more economic tourists. You can remain there as a paying guests. You can enjoy the family environment in these home stays.

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