National examination board Nepal publishes SEE exam result. Hence you can get the SEE Result 2078 with Mark Sheet from here.

SEE Result 2078 with Mark Sheet
Table of Contents
Office of the controller of examination Sanothimi Bhaktapur is responsible to publish the secondary education exam SEE result. Generally examination board publishes the result in the month of June. But since couple of years it is disturbed due to pandemic.
Therefore this year the result published little late then its normal schedule.
SEE Online Result
Students can get their SEE result with Grade Sheet from different online sources. Basically Nepal Telecom provides the result with grade sheet in its official web page.
Here are the steps to get online SEE result with Grade Sheet
- First of all go to
- Here you will find the result page.
- Give all the necessary details in this page.
- Finally submit it for the online result with grade sheet.
New Grading System in SEE
Nepal government ministry of education and national examination has published the new grading system for SEE and Class 12 students. According to this system students must score 35 percent in theory and 40 percent in practical.
Similarly students unable to get the minimum score in three or more than three subjects will not get grade sheet. This is called non graded result. Shortly it is called NG.
New Evaluation System
This new evaluation system is supposed to improve the quality of education. In the past due to letter grading system the study trend of the students was declining. But now once more this new letter grading system has alerted the student.
Spelling and Date of Birth Correction Process
There are so many technical errors in the SEE grade sheets. Like errors in the spelling of name and surname. Similarly there are errors in the date of birth of the students.
This must be corrected in time. So if you have such problems in your grade sheet consult your Education Development Directorate office of your province.
SEE Chance Exam
Students unable to get minimum score in at most two subjects can retake this chance exam. They have to appear this grade improvement exam with the same admission card.
It means you do not have to fill the new exam form. If you have lost the entrance card get the copy from the Education Development Unit of your district.
How to Get the Online SEE Exam Grade Sheet?
Just follow the above steps to get the SEE online grade sheet. If you have any problem while getting the online SEE results contact us. Just send your exam symbol number and date of birth you will provide the result with grade sheet.
Conclusion on SEE Result 2078 2079
This is the SEE exam in the physical presence of the students after two year. Government is not able to give the SEE board exam for the last two years. SEE 2076 and SEE 2077 were finalized on the basis of internal evaluation. This internal evaluation has many errors.
The result of some schools in the country was unbelievable. It means there was no true evaluation of the student.
But SEE 2078 Exam result is based on the writing of the students in the given centers. Hence it is more trustworthy in comparison to the previous year’s results.
At last but not the least if you have any question about the SEE result please leave your comment in the comment box below.