Millions of people are now waiting for SEE 2078 Result Day. Examination board has fixed the SEE exam 2078 result date. Get all the details from this article.
Online SEE Result
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Get your online SEE exam result from here. You can find result with grade sheet in this page.

SEE 2078 Result Day
National examination board Nepal has said that SEE exam 2078 will be published on or before July 16 2022. Hence it is now roughly one week or less for the secondary education exam 2078 result. This year there are altogether five hundred thousand students in SEE board exam.
Best Way to Check Online SEE Result
There are three different ways to check online SEE exam results. We will provide step by step methods to check online result of SEE exam. The different methods for the online result with grade sheet are as follow.
- SEE result is webs
- SMS method for SEE exam result
- IVR system for online SEE exam results.
Among them web is the best. It is because in the websites you will get the result with grade sheet. In remaining two you can find only the result there will not be marks sheet or grade sheet.
SLC Result History
It was a time when students have to wait for a week to get SLC result. The only way to get the result was Gorkhapatra National daily. In remote area it took more than a week to reach this newspaper. There was no mobile phone and internet at that time.
In some urban areas there was land line phone facility. This phone call tariff was very expensive. Like people have to pay Rs. 15 for one minute to make a call from Pokhara to Kathmandu.
Time has changed now almost all Nepali citizens have mobile phone in their hand. Internet facility is easy and common. Therefore it is now quiet comfortable to get online SEE exam result.
SEE New Grading System
Nepal government and national examination board had introduced letter grading system in SEE board exam since 2072. Till then it is going smooth. But after six years NEB has made some changes in Letter grading system.
SN | Marks Obtained | GPA | Letter Grades | Achievement Level |
1 | Above 90 | 4 | A+ | Outstanding |
2 | Above 80 and below 90 | 3.6 | A | Excellent |
3 | Above 70 and below 80 | 3.2 | B+ | Very Good |
4 | Above 60 and below 70 | 2.8 | B | Good |
5 | Above 50 and below 60 | 2.4 | C+ | Satisfactory |
6 | Above 40 and below 50 | 2.0 | C | Acceptable |
7 | Above 35 and below 40 | 1.6 | D | Basic |
8 | Below 35 | – | NG | Not Graded |
According to the new grading system there is no D plus and E grades. Similarly students getting less than 35 in each subject will be none graded that is NG. This is most important feature of this new grading system.
Details about new grading system you can read in our previous articles.
SEE Exam Result with Grade Sheet
Students can check and download the grade sheet from the official websites of SEE result. The most common site for the SEE result is Nepal Telecom site. It is Here you can find the SEE exam result with grade sheet. It has strong server hence there is no chance of being server down in this site.
NEB Notice for SEE Exam Results
The examination board publishes the list of webs and sms service provider list. It comes just before the result. The private firms and company have to pay to get the SEE result server access. It is not same every year. Hence as soon as the board publishes the list it will be available in this page.
What after SEE?
There are many options after SEE exam. Like some students may join science stream. Similarly other may join management. But whatever faculty you join it is not a big deal. The most important thing is do your best where ever you go and whatever you do.
Grade 11 Science Entrance Questions
There are few schools and colleges for class 11 science study. Students can choose among them. Here we have the list of top plus two colleges in Nepal. Select the appropriate college according to your location.
Management Entrance Questions for Class 11
Students willing to join management faculty have to face entrance exam. So, you have to be ready for the tough exam. This model questions for class 11 entrance exam will help you a lot to face entrance exam.
Is SEE 2078 Result Published?
Till the date SEE exam result is not out. But NEB is working to publish the result by sometime next week. Therefore it is now time to look for the entrance card of your SEE exam. It takes an hour to upload the SEE exam result in the server. Hence students can find the exam result with grade sheet just one hour after the result announcement.
SEE Result 2078 at
It is the official portal of Nepal Telecom for the SEE exam result. Here students can get the online result with grade sheet. It is easy to get the mark sheet with result from this site. As mentioned above it will take more than an hour to get the result after the result publication.
How Can I Check SEE Result?
You can get the SEE result from three different ways namely webs, SMS and IVR. Choose the appropriate method according to your available facility. If you have internet and device web is the most comfortable way to get SEE result.