Are you thinking for foreign employment? If so first come to know about the Nepalese workers recognized countries for foreign employment.
Because the destination beside these Nepalese workers recognized countries are illegal. Hence the workers who are in these non-recognized nations are not safe in their work.

The free training notice. Nepal government is going to provide free training. About ten thousand people can take the training. It is one month training.
Therefore here we are going to include the list of Nepalese workers recognized countries as given by the department of foreign employment of Nepal. According to the given information the Nepalese workers recognized countries are as follow.
Nepalese Workers Recognized Countries for Foreign Employment
List of countries opened by GoN for Foreign Employment through recruiting agencies | |||||
S.No. | |||||
1 | Afghanistan* | 38 | Guana | 75 | Nigeria |
2 | Albenia | 39 | Holysee | 76 | Norway |
3 | Algeria | 40 | Hongkong | 77 | Oman |
4 | Argentina | 41 | Hungary | 78 | Pakistan |
5 | Armenia | 42 | Iceland | 79 | Panama |
6 | Australia | 43 | Indonesia | 80 | Peru |
7 | Austria | 44 | Iran | 81 | Poland |
8 | Azerbaijan | 45 | Iraq* | 82 | Portugal |
9 | Bahrain | 46 | Ireland | 83 | Qatar |
10 | Bangladesh | 47 | Israel | 84 | Republic of Korea |
11 | Belarus | 48 | Italy | 85 | Republic of Slovak |
12 | Belgiam | 49 | Japan | 86 | Rumenia |
13 | Bolevia | 50 | Jordan | 87 | Russia |
14 | Bosnia Herz | 51 | Kazakhastan | 88 | Saipan |
15 | Brazil | 52 | Kenya | 89 | Saudi Arabia |
16 | Brunei | 53 | Kosovo | 90 | Singapore |
17 | Bulgaria | 54 | Kuwait | 91 | Slovenia |
18 | Canada | 55 | Laos PDR | 92 | South Africa |
19 | Chile | 56 | Latvia | 93 | Spain |
20 | China | 57 | Lebanon | 94 | Sri Lanka |
21 | Columbia | 58 | Libya* | 95 | Sweden |
22 | Combodia | 59 | Luxzemburg | 96 | Switzerland |
23 | Congo | 60 | Macau | 97 | Sychelese |
24 | Costarica | 61 | Malaysia | 98 | Tanzania |
25 | Crotia | 62 | Maldives | 99 | Thailand |
26 | Cuba | 63 | Malta | 100 | The Philippines |
27 | Cyprus | 64 | Mecedonia | 101 | Tunetia |
28 | Czech Republic | 65 | Mexico | 102 | Turkey |
29 | Denmark | 66 | Moldova | 103 | Uganda |
30 | Egypt | 67 | Mongolia | 104 | Ukrain |
31 | Estonia | 68 | Moritius | 105 | United Arab Emirates |
32 | Fiji | 69 | Morocco | 106 | United States of America |
33 | Finland | 70 | Mozambique | 107 | Uzbekistan |
34 | France | 71 | Myanmar | 108 | Venezuala |
35 | Germany | 72 | Netherland | 109 | Vietnam |
36 | Great Britain | 73 | New Zealand | 110 | Zambia |
37 | Greece | 74 | Nicaragua | ||
The countries with asterisk * sign are temporarily blocked nations for foreign employment.
Source: Nepal government ministry of labor and employment and department of foreign employment.
Many Nepali workers use Indian airport to go non-recognized nations. And such people face many difficulties in their job. In such condition it is hard to deliver government and embassy service to them. So you must not go to the countries other than listed above.
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